Boards Index Chat rooms – the forum communities Chat forum one boards doesnt it f**k u off when ur booted with no warning

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  • #255882

    @forumhostpb wrote:

    Dear nob user,

    So it seems that you were booted for mouthing off at another chatter, which you justify as retaliation. The ”nob guide” that did it had probably had enough of gum chewing ”wotevas” and was more interested in watching the grass grow outside the office than watching you yap endlessly on. Complaint dismissed … get over it.

    I totally agree, sorry sweetasbaileez, but i used to get booted all the time when i first joined JC, i learned to adapt to the to the trends of chat guides but eventually they have seen the real me and they have learnt to accept me.
    I havent a bad attitude or a prejudice approach, but in time people will accept you for who you are. Yes you will get booted for saying ur piece(with a bit of exaggeration or aggression) but let it go hunni. It took me a while to fit into the 40’s room especially at the age of 29, but when you get to know ppl in the room its so good to come on this website.
    I still retaliate at c0cks that gob off in 40’s room, its in my nature, but at the end of the day i know im a decent person and thats all that really matters.
    Since my 11 months in JC ive got to know all the guides and they are actually good, decent human people, id rather chat to them than the scum u do get sometimes in the rooms (no names mentioned) D D D DA DAG…. lol.
    So my message is sweetass………
    Be good, this is a classic chatsite we all love it!


    @hermangrrrman! wrote:

    @forumhostpb wrote:

    Dear nob user,

    So it seems that you were booted for mouthing off at another chatter, which you justify as retaliation. The ”nob guide” that did it had probably had enough of gum chewing ”wotevas” and was more interested in watching the grass grow outside the office than watching you yap endlessly on. Complaint dismissed … get over it.

    I totally agree, sorry sweetasbaileez, but i used to get booted all the time when i first joined JC, i learned to adapt to the to the trends of chat guides but eventually they have seen the real me and they have learnt to accept me.
    I havent a bad attitude or a prejudice approach, but in time people will accept you for who you are. Yes you will get booted for saying ur piece(with a bit of exaggeration or aggression) but let it go hunni. It took me a while to fit into the 40’s room especially at the age of 29, but when you get to know ppl in the room its so good to come on this website.
    I still retaliate at c0cks that gob off in 40’s room, its in my nature, but at the end of the day i know im a decent person and thats all that really matters.
    Since my 11 months in JC ive got to know all the guides and they are actually good, decent human people, id rather chat to them than the scum u do get sometimes in the rooms (no names mentioned) D D D DA DAG…. lol.
    So my message is sweetass………
    Be good, this is a classic chatsite we all love it!

    But I am good herman :wink: Am just anti guides who only boot one when racism against the english was her attitude…if she hates us so much..why is she here :?: :?: As for the majority of the guides…well i get on with them extremely well… eg; RE, JA,JD and now HS who is a new guide..i respect people for who they are ( on the whole) and usually laugh off their ignorance ( TT taught us all that one with his manic wind ups :!: ) I dont really care too much about being booted… just enjoyed the response it got….

    *sweetasbaileez picks up nut job ,PB’s and tokens dollies and puts them back in their prams *


    Awww i know ya good huni, and im on ya side. If somebody said a racist comment about the english, in england then they deserve to be booted out of this country on the dinghy they came in sweets. :lol:


    @sweetasbaileez wrote:

    ..i respect people for who they are ( on the whole) and usually laugh off their ignorance ( TT taught us all that one with his manic wind ups :!: ) I dont really care too much about being booted… just enjoyed the response it got….

    God damn it woman you are good, you really had us going with this wind-up. You’re teacher (as you put it) Tommy has done a good job teaching you the tricks of the trade.

    I can’t believe we fell for this, what fools we must of been thinking this was a genuine rant… #-o

    Glad you enjoyed our responses, i swallowed that hook and line with such force it’s tangled in my underpants :shock:

    @sweetasbaileez wrote:

    *sweetasbaileez picks up nut job ,PB’s and tokens dollies and puts them back in their prams *

    WHO’S DROPPED A DOLLY? NOT ME I TELLS YA!!! oh… hang on…this is bait and i’m biting again :roll:

    You’re good at this… :lol:


    To be fair, she’s got 3 pages, replies from staff, other users having a pop..

    I’d say she’s done pretty well innit.

    Reel ’em in!


    @smiley wrote:

    To be fair, she’s got 3 pages, replies from staff, other users having a pop..

    I’d say she’s done pretty well innit.

    Reel ’em in!

    I’d agree if i thought it was a genuine wind up in the first place, but nah… not convinced.

    I’m more convinced that is was a genuine rant, she got over a couple of days later then BAM!! – “ha ha it was all a wind up everyone”

    fairplay to the three pages, i like a good waffle every now and again :)


    @smiley wrote:

    To be fair, she’s got 3 pages, replies from staff, other users having a pop..

    I’d say she’s done pretty well innit.

    Reel ’em in!

    You taught me all I know and for that I’ll be eternally grateful :lol: This is fun isnt it :D/

    Thats just for you..(he who shall remain nameless :wink: :lol:


    @nut case wrote:

    @smiley wrote:

    To be fair, she’s got 3 pages, replies from staff, other users having a pop..

    I’d say she’s done pretty well innit.

    Reel ’em in!

    I’d agree if i thought it was a genuine wind up in the first place, but nah… not convinced.

    I’m more convinced that is was a genuine rant, she got over a couple of days later then BAM!! – “ha ha it was all a wind up everyone”

    fairplay to the three pages, i like a good waffle every now and again :)

    Sorry to disappoint nut job, but believe me when i say i came i saw and i took full advantage :wink: And in all honesty i was over it in about..oohh lemme see…. 30 seconds !!! :lol:


    But this thread could of gone for ages, why stop eh. It could of been one of the greatest wind-ups for a while couldn’t it?

    Well ya can’t beat a good waffle, start moaning again so i got something to drivel on about ffs :evil:


    You’re still replying… She still has you hooked.

    “Get unhooked”.

    Where have I heard that before?.. Did I watch TV today? I don’t know.

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