Boards Index Chat rooms – the forum communities Chat forum one boards doesnt it f**k u off when ur booted with no warning

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  • #255872

    @token_male wrote:

    rubbish at times people need to be booted for no reason!

    lets say someone is in a chatting room and puts someone elses address in there? or phone number?

    should the guide then say

    excuse me dont do that again or you wil be ejected!!

    or shoujld they boot them out straight awa before they get a chance to do it again?

    and sweetasbaileez calm down ffs! its a chatroom so you got booted with no warning, i was merely as shocked as you because you done NOTHING wrong at all not one thing and yet you got booted for doing absolutely nothing wrong.

    i dont mean to sound cynical here, but who am i to believe?

    someone who asked me to commit suicide because i dared answer them back?

    or a chatguide?

    il stick with the chatguides for now

    until boots get some more razor blades in…

    i didnt ask u to commit suicide..i told you… do you ever do anything you’re told ?? obviously not.. as for you ?? all you do is throw insults and then whinge when you get attacked back…p.s there are plenty of places you can get razor blades.. but i have a cut throat here you can have for free.. send me your address and will post it recorded :wink: :lol:


    If you all had active ips addys, they could still boot you, but not keep you out of the room for more than a min or two.

    The only people ban’s work on are those to “cheap” to get a better broadband deal.


    @smiley wrote:

    Token is Tommy? LOL :lol: And what personal stuff did Token bring into it anyway?

    Tommy gets on just fine with Sweetas now. I have good sources on this issue.. :lol:

    p.s: Tommy types correctly. Token doesn’t.

    Tommy takes pride in his superior typing style [-(

    I cant tell one abuser from the next :shock:


    @dead_on_arrvial wrote:

    If you all had active ips addys, they could still boot you, but not keep you out of the room for more than a min or two.

    The only people ban’s work on are those to “cheap” to get a better broadband deal.

    So the Bt Internet Home Hub with 8mg download at a total cost of 40 plus quid a month is cheap now :?: :?: :roll:


    :D :D

    yup all i do is whinge lol
    hang on let me find 1 thread i have started where i have complained about anything??

    i think you will find that my cpmplaining as you put it nothing like that it is merely asking people to put their petty complaints into perpective, so you got booted, are you alive? yes! has anyone been harmed? no.

    so get over it move on.

    but i forgot its me who complains and whinges

    and starts threads about it too…….

    who’s thread am i replying to?


    Awwww Token leave her be, she’s been booted…. BOOTED I TELLS YA!!!

    This is a sad sad day for another member of JC…. let us pray for her well being, and that the nob guide be struck down by lightning [-o<



    I vote BOOT nut case without prior warning more often :lol: :lol: :lol:


    NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! that means i’ll have to keep starting threads moaning about it :lol:


    not struck down but definitely sacked! i mean how dare a guide boot someone!


    Dear nob user,

    So it seems that you were booted for mouthing off at another chatter, which you justify as retaliation. The ”nob guide” that did it had probably had enough of gum chewing ”wotevas” and was more interested in watching the grass grow outside the office than watching you yap endlessly on. Complaint dismissed … get over it.

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