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  • #2897

    here sum of u all must rem… Late Call on tv… yrs ago… The Dreaded 5mins of Scottish Ministers….

    i was just watchin a clip of Ricky Fullton doin the Reverend I. AM. Jolly… here wot a laff he was takin the p’ss aboot it… the dreary voice… n Glaket look… with the huge sighhhh n ..* Hellloooooooooo* lol… mind also Billy Connolly doin his switch on it… after late call n the weather… the voice came… now thats all for this evening viewing.. i hope you enjoyed your time…. and whatever u do… * DON’T LOOK BEHINDDDDDD YOUUUUUU * lmfao..

    soz must be oor scottish humour eh… lol..


    I was reading earlier today on one of the other threads about someone wanting a Best Man’s speech done for him and I immediately thought of Ricki Fulton’s sketch…”and finally, I would ask you to join me in a toast for the two special peepul without whom we wouldn’t be sitting here now….(raises glass) Ladies and Gentlemen,… The Barstaff!”. Classic.


    I remember Late Call. It was mostly boring c r a p, but at the same time it was a nice quiet calm closure to the day. Sometimes, but not often, it gave me something to reflect on when I went to bed, but usually I would just think of naked women, and have nice dreams.

    abitofmary, yer makin’ me feel awful auld, cos I kin still mind Riki Fulton ”n’ Jack Milroy as FRANCIE AND JOSIE.


    “Hullawrerr, fair midden” @ Peco… here i went to see them at Kings Theatre with my dad… it was brilliant… and i was grumblin afore hand that id rather be in the pub… well i was so wrang it was brilliant… laffin at them tryin to keep straight faces… n all playin aff each other… sheer class….

    James… if i mind correctly… didnt he also do one with .. he kept callin the groom by a diff name.. lol it was funny as..


    The same Bride and Groom sketch (he was the father of the bride) had him saying something like “And we are all delighted you have married Gavin – tae think you nearly threw yerself away on that big Nigerian…”. This was 70’s humour so quite shocking. I’ve got a video of his ‘best of’ somewhere Mary – I’ll need to look it out, not seen it for years.

    I M Jolly was on it, but also Supercop “An who d’yae think you are? Stirling Moss?”. I’ll maybe copy parts of the scripts and send them to you and peco via pc – shouldn’t think English folks will want us clogging up their boards with this stuff. They never did take to Riki Fulton that well…


    I remember Rikki Flton doing the Last Call at the end of Scotch and Wry on auld year’s night.

    It was a tradition that we all watched it every year 8)

    Nowadays ‘Chewin the Fat is the annual prog – but I just set the video and go out on the p!ss lol :lol:


    @rubyred wrote:

    @*Peco wrote:

    I remember Late Call. It was mostly boring c r a p, but at the same time it was a nice quiet calm closure to the day. Sometimes, but not often, it gave me something to reflect on when I went to bed, but usually I would just think of naked women, and have nice dreams.

    abitofmary, yer makin’ me feel awful auld, cos I kin still mind Riki Fulton ”n’ Jack Milroy as FRANCIE AND JOSIE.

    ffs i mind o Dorothy Paul in the White heather club !!!!

    ruby, I remember Larry Marshall in The One-O’Clock Gang, The Woodentops, Andy Pandy, Bill and Ben, The Littlest Hobo, Casey Jones, The Adentures Of Tin Tin, Johhny Quest, Rin Tin Tin ( that alsation was a damn good actor ) and Tales Of The Riverbank with Hammy the hamster. The wee hamster always looked scared sh itless to me, being shoved into plastic dish and floated doon the water.


    lmfao…. Peco… ur feelin the strain of age eh lol… hammy the hamster lol

    well my progs where Mr Benn… voice by Pauline Fowlers new hubby to b fae easty lol.. “Here is a box, a musical box, wound up and ready to play…” Pugh Pugh Barney McGrew Cuthbert Dibble Grubb..!!

    Jamie n Magic Torch, Barbapapa… The Clangers… Fingerbob, Hong Kong Phooeyyyy… here mind Rentaghost lol

    James…. never mind the English gettin the script posted….

    Awwwwayyyyyy…. Awaayyyyyyyy…. lol


    lol@rub’s… mornin to u Rub’s how’s things…?? hows the beached whaled… she docked on the chair…??? now u have been bringin concern to me Rub’s… Mon has been n gone…and ive not seen ur health kick mentioned… did we 4get yet again..!!!! put doon that bottle n start… lol


    lmfao….. well u can tell her i got f oo k all as well…. would be worst as her horomones will be all over the place… here y didnt the sod… think rite wot’s in his mam’s cupboards… make a picnic… DUHHH MEN DON’T THINK….

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