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  • #291951

    expect a reply around the end of nxt april ugo. :lol:


    I don’t wish to create any fear, alarm, or despondency amongst the car boot fraternity …… but a very good friend of mine is an Investigator for HMRC (that’s Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs – UGO).

    His particular section spends its entire time visiting car boot sales all over the country and by assorted means they check out all the ‘traders’ operating there – PARTICULARLY the regular faces – and then they compare the data against Income Tax returns from that person.

    They really love it when no Income Tax return is filed at all – especially if the person is on benefits or claiming sickness or unemployment.

    The best bit he tells me is when they send the person a big fat tasty Income Tax demand (based on the investigator’s estimate of turnover and profit) and then invite the person to challenge it or pay up.

    He reckons that he’s seen grown men cry when they are caught – especially when they deny any knowledge of car boot selling and then they are shown videos of themselves in action.


    i think i’d cry if i was caught on camera attending a car boot sale, how embarassing :lol:


    @forumhostpb wrote:

    I don’t wish to create any fear, alarm, or despondency amongst the car boot fraternity …… but a very good friend of mine is an Investigator for HMRC (that’s Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs – UGO).

    His particular section spends its entire time visiting car boot sales all over the country and by assorted means they check out all the ‘traders’ operating there – PARTICULARLY the regular faces – and then they compare the data against Income Tax returns from that person.

    They really love it when no Income Tax return is filed at all – especially if the person is on benefits or claiming sickness or unemployment.

    The best bit he tells me is when they send the person a big fat tasty Income Tax demand (based on the investigator’s estimate of turnover and profit) and then invite the person to challenge it or pay up.

    He reckons that he’s seen grown men cry when they are caught – especially when they deny any knowledge of car boot selling and then they are shown videos of themselves in action.

    =D> =D> :lol:


    @forumhostpb wrote:

    I don’t wish to create any fear, alarm, or despondency amongst the car boot fraternity …… but a very good friend of mine is an Investigator for HMRC (that’s Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs – UGO).

    His particular section spends its entire time visiting car boot sales all over the country and by assorted means they check out all the ‘traders’ operating there – PARTICULARLY the regular faces – and then they compare the data against Income Tax returns from that person.

    They really love it when no Income Tax return is filed at all – especially if the person is on benefits or claiming sickness or unemployment.

    The best bit he tells me is when they send the person a big fat tasty Income Tax demand (based on the investigator’s estimate of turnover and profit) and then invite the person to challenge it or pay up.

    He reckons that he’s seen grown men cry when they are caught – especially when they deny any knowledge of car boot selling and then they are shown videos of themselves in action.

    I can make life easier for the tax inspector and pass you his home address if you like… :D


    @fastcars wrote:

    @forumhostpb wrote:

    I don’t wish to create any fear, alarm, or despondency amongst the car boot fraternity …… but a very good friend of mine is an Investigator for HMRC (that’s Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs – UGO).

    His particular section spends its entire time visiting car boot sales all over the country and by assorted means they check out all the ‘traders’ operating there – PARTICULARLY the regular faces – and then they compare the data against Income Tax returns from that person.

    They really love it when no Income Tax return is filed at all – especially if the person is on benefits or claiming sickness or unemployment.

    The best bit he tells me is when they send the person a big fat tasty Income Tax demand (based on the investigator’s estimate of turnover and profit) and then invite the person to challenge it or pay up.

    He reckons that he’s seen grown men cry when they are caught – especially when they deny any knowledge of car boot selling and then they are shown videos of themselves in action.

    I can make life easier for the tax inspector and pass you his home address if you like… :D

    HMRC wouldnt understand you making their job easier lol


    pffft ! LEAVE IT OUT !..

    years ago children who were not really rich were made to pick berries.IM NOT ashamed to say that MINE nor I..ever had to.

    we are known for fruit picking.for years a copper/shiling to help their mums.NOW its all Latvians etc.

    MINE wore the best ! some kids worked damm hard for it all..


    shocking….sorry UGO ,,BUT yer advertising pure pish..and ya made the error af telling folks !



    @sharongooner wrote:

    @fastcars wrote:

    I can make life easier for the tax inspector and pass you his home address if you like… :D

    HMRC wouldnt understand you making their job easier lol

    Having chatted to my pal many times on this issue, apparently it is so easy to trace people at car boot sales if you have access to ”official” records – and HMRC inspectors sure do.

    They put the details into their computer and ….PING … up come that person’s Income Tax returns over the last several years.

    Self Employed????? …. NO??? Oooops – sorry mate we saw you running a business and oh dear oh dear….. looks like you haven’t been paying any Class 2 or Class 4 NI either. tut tut tut.

    And heavens above … it seems that you’re too sick to work …. we’d better stop your sick pay. Oh and look at this claim ….. we’re all paying for your nice council home. Dear oh dear, looks like we’ll have that back as well.

    Yup once HMRC get their teeth into you ………………. !!!

    Oh and BTW, they also check on E-Bay to see if people trade there regularly without declaring it for Income Tax.


    @forumhostpb wrote:

    @sharongooner wrote:

    @fastcars wrote:

    I can make life easier for the tax inspector and pass you his home address if you like… :D

    HMRC wouldnt understand you making their job easier lol

    Having chatted to my pal many times on this issue, apparently it is so easy to trace people at car boot sales if you have access to ”official” records – and HMRC inspectors sure do.

    They put the details into their computer and ….PING … up come that person’s Income Tax returns over the last several years.

    Self Employed????? …. NO??? Oooops – sorry mate we saw you running a business and oh dear oh dear….. looks like you haven’t been paying any Class 2 or Class 4 NI either. tut tut tut.

    And heavens above … it seems that you’re too sick to work …. we’d better stop your sick pay. Oh and look at this claim ….. we’re all paying for your nice council home. Dear oh dear, looks like we’ll have that back as well.

    Yup once HMRC get their teeth into you ………………. !!!

    Oh and BTW, they also check on E-Bay to see if people trade there regularly without declaring it for Income Tax.

    Your lucky then that your friend is one of the ones blessed with a brain. Perhaps its just the office bods who cant string a sentance together. IMO of course :wink:

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