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  • #353692

    @~Pebbles~ wrote:

    caff save it for rainny!!! its gonna make her day 8)

    lol how do you save it for goodness sake old sausage fingers himself will have had his sunday afternoon nap now an will be raring to go lolol xxx

    nahhhhhh i aint saving it, i truly hope somone save dreamsprite tho :roll:


    @dreamsprite wrote:

    carry on peeps, have fun posting somebody else’s pics. Good day, i’m off venturing in the big wide world.

    pull the other 1, you never leave…carry on posting under one of your other names :wink:



    @dreamsprite wrote:

    Good day, i’m off venturing in the big wide world.

    Is this a sure sign of guilt? :-k


    @esmeralda wrote:

    @sharongooner wrote:

    @johnboy25 wrote:

    @sharongooner wrote:

    @johnboy25 wrote:

    Seems to be a lot that goes unnoticed. I’m not taking sides but I’ve had some personal comments aimed at me before (naming no names) and they were deemed very funny (again, naming no names) I chose not to rise to it as I thought the user in question would take even more delight in it.

    It’s not the same as this campaign, nowhere near, but I just thought it was interesting to note.

    Your absolutely right John, and we all got over that and moved on didnt we, like grown ups do. (well… most of the time!) x

    I’m not talking about that particular episode, sharon.

    lol, you mean theres more?!

    Thing is we all rip each other and sometimes it goes on for a while and it isnt nice, I dont like it, but heyho thats this site for you and the leading example comes from the admin themselves so what are we to expect?

    But this particular user is in much need of help, and its gone way too far. Ive found myself sitting here absolutely shaking with anger over the past few days and have got pretty upset. There is just no rhyme or reason for it.

    I understand completely how this affects you, Sharon. When I joined here two years ago, certain people took a dislike to me and made posting hell. It was so bad, that I wasn’t eating or sleeping, was dehydrated and feverish to the extent that I ended up in hospital fighting for my life yet again.
    Why didn’t I ‘walk’ away? Well, truth to tell, when I got home from hospital, I found an email from someone who had left JC to set up another site. It was bliss there for a long time, until the same old crap started kicking in.
    I’m now on a few other sites, but I have friends here, so like to hang around. But PB should be ashamed of himself, the cavalier attitude with which he treats the people who keep this place going, with cretins like Dumbsprout allowed to ruin it for all of us.

    hugs xx


    Hospitalised by a message board. Whatever next.. :roll:


    Well f00k me backwards with numb legs

    So she is froma nouther site how the f00k did you find her lol

    I really fort she was a old reg coming back and 50 !!!!! na no 50 year od would act like this surly

    and i fort i was imature ffs some attion seeking c00nts in the world and jelouse behond belife of other people who seen to have a better life than her

    ~Pebbles~ wrote:
    OMG the plot thickens……..

    have a look at stars blog on exochat…some of the entries are identical to the ones on dreamsprites, like this one

    when I was flicking through her blogs that one came up so it must be her.

    She hasnt a clue who she is herself, so I dont hold out much hope for us finding out which of her characters is the true one.


    @catz wrote:

    @esmeralda wrote:

    I understand completely how this affects you, Sharon. When I joined here two years ago, certain people took a dislike to me and made posting hell. It was so bad, that I wasn’t eating or sleeping, was dehydrated and feverish to the extent that I ended up in hospital fighting for my life yet again.

    It’s only an internet message board …

    @*GG* wrote:

    WTF’s become of this site? I’ve never come across so many freaks that congregate in the one place.

    :lol: :lol:

    If words had no power, there would be no books, no plays, nor would there be opera – soap or Salieri. Come to think of it, there wouldn’t be any libel laws. :wink:

    As for freaks..hit the dance floor with..


    well I can say that the mods “over there” are much more on the ball than ours, my threads been deleted and replaced with “hi dreamer”.

    Perhaps we can send PB on a course over there, your never too old to learn new techniques.

    Fasty that was norty btw :twisted:


    has she gone? 8-[ 8-[ 8-[ lol :D

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