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  • #353682

    PB/Reed need this shit to keep the place busy, I’m sure I already mentioned that?


    @sword wrote:

    PB/Reed need this shit to keep the place busy, I’m sure I already mentioned that?

    Not only have you mentioned it (to death) you are also a main contributor.


    AND i demand an apology for her making out i was IT all along,and pmming mary, I was more insulted that anyone could think i was IT.. as i said to shazza yest,, IT is not the full shilling. And for that,in normal circumstances,i might have defended and possibly befriended.

    but this is all maliceous,this is sheer wickedness..

    sleep well dreamsprite and yer 50 plus other names.. just watch the conscience bogey man,dont get ya !



    @fastcars wrote:

    Not only have you mentioned it (to death) you are also a main contributor.

    Indeed! oh the irony. :roll:


    I see the usual suspects are lurking… ready to spring to keyboard action.


    @esmeralda wrote:

    I understand completely how this affects you, Sharon. When I joined here two years ago, certain people took a dislike to me and made posting hell. It was so bad, that I wasn’t eating or sleeping, was dehydrated and feverish to the extent that I ended up in hospital fighting for my life yet again.

    It’s only an internet message board …

    @*GG* wrote:

    WTF’s become of this site? I’ve never come across so many freaks that congregate in the one place.

    :lol: :lol:



    @catz wrote:

    @esmeralda wrote:

    I understand completely how this affects you, Sharon. When I joined here two years ago, certain people took a dislike to me and made posting hell. It was so bad, that I wasn’t eating or sleeping, was dehydrated and feverish to the extent that I ended up in hospital fighting for my life yet again.

    It’s only an internet message board …

    @*GG* wrote:

    WTF’s become of this site? I’ve never come across so many freaks that congregate in the one place.

    :lol: :lol:

    :lol: That comment by GG made me LOL!!


    guess where this thread is heading………wonders whether to save it for sunny so she dunt miss it agin……..hmmmmmm decisions , decisions…….. :wink:


    caff save it for rainny!!! its gonna make her day 8)

Viewing 10 posts - 71 through 80 (of 491 total)

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