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  • #354092

    @rubyred* wrote:

    @cath 55 wrote:

    @fastcars wrote:

    Has anyone thought that our phantom spammer might actually be Cath… :shock: :shock:

    judge fasty: now caff just where were you all weekend?

    caff: ‘I was ‘ere melud’

    judge fasty: aha!!!! so you could be the phantom spammer?

    caff: ‘doubt it melud’

    judge fasty: so can you prove it wasnt you ?

    caff: ‘yes i can melud’

    judge fasty: so how do you intend to prove it?

    caff: ‘by showin ya the fecking pictures me lud’

    judge fasty: *leans over towards the defendant caff * an hisses, well show us the feckin pictures then!!!!!!

    caff: ‘no’

    Judge fasty: if you dont show us the pictures then we will all assume you have something to hide’

    caff: ‘i do melud’

    judge fasty: ‘so what are you hiding then. prove you are not the phantom spammer , show us the feckin pictures’

    caff: ‘ok melud can i take that as an order?’

    judge fasty: just get on wiv it woman!!!

    caff: ok melud but you should know that you may not like it when you see the pics’

    judge fasty: ‘oh yes? and why would that be *he says turnin a deeper shade of purple*

    caff: ok melud you asked for it…… you know you said this weekend you couldnt remember leaving amsterdam?

    judge fasty: well??? whats that got to do with it??? come on woman your’e really p/issin me off now!!!!!1

    caff: well i remember , you came via my house and once we had sha/gged at least 5 times we sat curled up in bed wiv me laptop and you know exactly what i did or didnt do!!’

    judge fasty’s head now explodes!!!!!!!!!!’ WHAT??? WHAT????? I WOUDNT TOUCH A FAT OLD COW LIKE YOU!!!!!!!

    caff: *calmly , quietly , and with complete composure answers*……..

    well thats about as fookin stupid you suggesting i could be the phantom spammer you coont!!!!!!!!!!! touche` methinks!!!!!!!!! :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :lol:

    How tacky!

    actually thats reminds me of a song………. *cue music*

    1. Little boxes on the hillside,
    Little boxes made of ticky-tacky,
    Little boxes, little boxes,
    Little boxes, all the same.
    There’s a green one and a pink one
    And a blue one and a yellow one
    And they’re all made out of ticky-tacky
    And they all look just the same.


    @sunny wrote:

    Now that was f00king class caff lol

    AND RUBY WITH A * :roll:

    See im learning aint i lol i looked at the post count thingy 8)

    just noticed from the member list that the loon has also set up rubyred. (note the dot after the name :wink: )

    Oh and “PEBBLES THE FREAK” :roll: :lol:


    @~Pebbles~ wrote:

    @sunny wrote:

    Now that was f00king class caff lol

    AND RUBY WITH A * :roll:

    See im learning aint i lol i looked at the post count thingy 8)

    just noticed from the member list that the loon has also set up rubyred. (note the dot after the name :wink: )

    Oh and “PEBBLES THE FREAK” :roll: :lol:

    I bet you couldn’t wait to get home tonight huh?
    And I aint talking about the pizza n chips you got for tea. O:)


    @sir Actor wrote:

    @~Pebbles~ wrote:

    @sunny wrote:

    Now that was f00king class caff lol

    AND RUBY WITH A * :roll:

    See im learning aint i lol i looked at the post count thingy 8)

    just noticed from the member list that the loon has also set up rubyred. (note the dot after the name :wink: )

    Oh and “PEBBLES THE FREAK” :roll: :lol:

    I bet you couldn’t wait to get home tonight huh?
    And I aint talking about the pizza n chips you got for tea. O:)

    yeah you’re right i couldnt wait to get home, i feel the same after most days at work…whats your point exactly?

    and i got pizza and chips for tea did i??? :lol: :lol: news to me, the only thing thats passed my lips is some potato salad and a few crackers with cheese.

    if this is your idea of stalking you need to try a little harder – trying to predict my tea isnt exactly scary is it? :lol: :lol:



    50 pages of gobbledygook! I don’t even want to go there. :roll:


    @*GG* wrote:

    50 pages of gobbledygook! I don’t even want to go there. :roll:

    lol dunt blame ya, how you doin GG xxx hope all is good with you xx


    @cath 55 wrote:

    @fastcars wrote:

    Has anyone thought that our phantom spammer might actually be Cath… :shock: :shock:

    judge fasty: now caff just where were you all weekend?

    caff: ‘I was ‘ere melud’

    judge fasty: aha!!!! so you could be the phantom spammer?

    caff: ‘doubt it melud’

    judge fasty: so can you prove it wasnt you ?

    caff: ‘yes i can melud’

    judge fasty: so how do you intend to prove it?

    caff: ‘by showin ya the fecking pictures me lud’

    judge fasty: *leans over towards the defendant caff * an hisses, well show us the feckin pictures then!!!!!!

    caff: ‘no’

    Judge fasty: if you dont show us the pictures then we will all assume you have something to hide’

    caff: ‘i do melud’

    judge fasty: ‘so what are you hiding then. prove you are not the phantom spammer , show us the feckin pictures’

    caff: ‘ok melud can i take that as an order?’

    judge fasty: just get on wiv it woman!!!

    caff: ok melud but you should know that you may not like it when you see the pics’

    judge fasty: ‘oh yes? and why would that be *he says turnin a deeper shade of purple*

    caff: ok melud you asked for it…… you know you said this weekend you couldnt remember leaving amsterdam?

    judge fasty: well??? whats that got to do with it??? come on woman your’e really p/issin me off now!!!!!1

    caff: well i remember , you came via my house and once we had sha/gged at least 5 times we sat curled up in bed wiv me laptop and you know exactly what i did or didnt do!!’

    judge fasty’s head now explodes!!!!!!!!!!’ WHAT??? WHAT????? I WOUDNT TOUCH A FAT OLD COW LIKE YOU!!!!!!!

    caff: *calmly , quietly , and with complete composure answers*……..

    well thats about as fookin stupid you suggesting i could be the phantom spammer you coont!!!!!!!!!!! touche` methinks!!!!!!!!! :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :lol:

    I just decided I like you… :lol:

    Well done… =D> :lol:


    @fastcars wrote:

    @cath 55 wrote:

    @fastcars wrote:

    Has anyone thought that our phantom spammer might actually be Cath… :shock: :shock:

    judge fasty: now caff just where were you all weekend?

    caff: ‘I was ‘ere melud’

    judge fasty: aha!!!! so you could be the phantom spammer?

    caff: ‘doubt it melud’

    judge fasty: so can you prove it wasnt you ?

    caff: ‘yes i can melud’

    judge fasty: so how do you intend to prove it?

    caff: ‘by showin ya the fecking pictures me lud’

    judge fasty: *leans over towards the defendant caff * an hisses, well show us the feckin pictures then!!!!!!

    caff: ‘no’

    Judge fasty: if you dont show us the pictures then we will all assume you have something to hide’

    caff: ‘i do melud’

    judge fasty: ‘so what are you hiding then. prove you are not the phantom spammer , show us the feckin pictures’

    caff: ‘ok melud can i take that as an order?’

    judge fasty: just get on wiv it woman!!!

    caff: ok melud but you should know that you may not like it when you see the pics’

    judge fasty: ‘oh yes? and why would that be *he says turnin a deeper shade of purple*

    caff: ok melud you asked for it…… you know you said this weekend you couldnt remember leaving amsterdam?

    judge fasty: well??? whats that got to do with it??? come on woman your’e really p/issin me off now!!!!!1

    caff: well i remember , you came via my house and once we had sha/gged at least 5 times we sat curled up in bed wiv me laptop and you know exactly what i did or didnt do!!’

    judge fasty’s head now explodes!!!!!!!!!!’ WHAT??? WHAT????? I WOUDNT TOUCH A FAT OLD COW LIKE YOU!!!!!!!

    caff: *calmly , quietly , and with complete composure answers*……..

    well thats about as fookin stupid you suggesting i could be the phantom spammer you coont!!!!!!!!!!! touche` methinks!!!!!!!!! :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :lol:

    I just decided I like you… :lol:

    Well done… =D> :lol:

    lol well done cath.. lol


    @fastcars wrote:

    @cath 55 wrote:

    I just decided I like you… :lol:

    Well done… =D> :lol:

    :roll: what is the world coming to?


    @rubyred* wrote:

    caths cheesy c u n t

    why dont you stand up and be a man or at least join retards anonymous

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