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  • #354082

    @forumhostpb wrote:

    Cath … I’ll make two points to you:

    1) It wasn’t me that deleted the pics (posted I think by Pebbles) but I assume that she did it herself – I may be wrong on this, but I do know that I sure didn’t do it – nor did GM and nor did Martin (who was away that weekend)

    2) I must have deleted literally hundreds of the spam threads which wereall over the boards, as did my colleague GM. As fast as they were deleted, the user simply replaced them. Frankly, I have a lot of better and more interesting things to do with my weekends than play stupid games with a demented spammer who seemed to have a specific grudge against one user – God knows why.

    It’s all very well whinging about it, but it takes one hell of a lot of time to go through every thread deleting etc etc and, contrary to popular misconception, I don’t spend all of my days and evenings sitting in frontt of the computer doing this. I reckon that 4 hours was more than sufficient…… and if that’s not good enough for you then I’m really soorry!!!!!

    I’m also really sorry if your alternative to the TV was disrupted for a weekend but i’m sure that you’ll get over it in time.

    i could say im sorry but i dunt fink I fookin care really lol , mind you, you have yer troubles with wotsername mouse lol , oh and painting windows, now if you had been really clever you would have said , caff yer quite right i was waitin for him/her to be all spammed out before i deleted em ……..missed ya chance…….. :wink: :wink:


    @cath 55 wrote:

    @forumhostpb wrote:

    Cath … I’ll make two points to you:

    1) It wasn’t me that deleted the pics (posted I think by Pebbles) but I assume that she did it herself – I may be wrong on this, but I do know that I sure didn’t do it – nor did GM and nor did Martin (who was away that weekend)

    2) I must have deleted literally hundreds of the spam threads which wereall over the boards, as did my colleague GM. As fast as they were deleted, the user simply replaced them. Frankly, I have a lot of better and more interesting things to do with my weekends than play stupid games with a demented spammer who seemed to have a specific grudge against one user – God knows why.

    It’s all very well whinging about it, but it takes one hell of a lot of time to go through every thread deleting etc etc and, contrary to popular misconception, I don’t spend all of my days and evenings sitting in frontt of the computer doing this. I reckon that 4 hours was more than sufficient…… and if that’s not good enough for you then I’m really soorry!!!!!

    I’m also really sorry if your alternative to the TV was disrupted for a weekend but i’m sure that you’ll get over it in time.

    i could say im sorry but i dunt fink I fookin care really lol , mind you, you have yer troubles with wotsername mouse lol , oh and painting windows, now if you had been really clever you would have said , caff yer quite right i was waitin for him/her to be all spammed out before i deleted em ……..missed ya chance…….. :wink: :wink:

    the mouse is at my house now cath he has no excuse :twisted:


    @fastcars wrote:

    Has anyone thought that our phantom spammer might actually be Cath… :shock: :shock:

    judge fasty: now caff just where were you all weekend?

    caff: ‘I was ‘ere melud’

    judge fasty: aha!!!! so you could be the phantom spammer?

    caff: ‘doubt it melud’

    judge fasty: so can you prove it wasnt you ?

    caff: ‘yes i can melud’

    judge fasty: so how do you intend to prove it?

    caff: ‘by showin ya the fecking pictures me lud’

    judge fasty: *leans over towards the defendant caff * an hisses, well show us the feckin pictures then!!!!!!

    caff: ‘no’

    Judge fasty: if you dont show us the pictures then we will all assume you have something to hide’

    caff: ‘i do melud’

    judge fasty: ‘so what are you hiding then. prove you are not the phantom spammer , show us the feckin pictures’

    caff: ‘ok melud can i take that as an order?’

    judge fasty: just get on wiv it woman!!!

    caff: ok melud but you should know that you may not like it when you see the pics’

    judge fasty: ‘oh yes? and why would that be *he says turnin a deeper shade of purple*

    caff: ok melud you asked for it…… you know you said this weekend you couldnt remember leaving amsterdam?

    judge fasty: well??? whats that got to do with it??? come on woman your’e really p/issin me off now!!!!!1

    caff: well i remember , you came via my house and once we had sha/gged at least 5 times we sat curled up in bed wiv me laptop and you know exactly what i did or didnt do!!’

    judge fasty’s head now explodes!!!!!!!!!!’ WHAT??? WHAT????? I WOUDNT TOUCH A FAT OLD COW LIKE YOU!!!!!!!

    caff: *calmly , quietly , and with complete composure answers*……..

    well thats about as fookin stupid you suggesting i could be the phantom spammer you coont!!!!!!!!!!! touche` methinks!!!!!!!!! :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :lol:


    L O L



    Pmlllllllllll…. nice one Caff xoxoxoxox



    @toybulldog wrote:

    L O L



    TALE on you ???


    If you’d just scrolled through 49 pages of this thread (well it would have been 5 if people hadn’t quoted) would you be able to think straight.

    It took me 30 seconds to spot my mistake and delete it whats your excuse?


    Now that was f00king class caff lol

    AND RUBY WITH A * :roll:

    See im learning aint i lol i looked at the post count thingy 8)

Viewing 10 posts - 471 through 480 (of 491 total)

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