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  • #354052

    @*Sian wrote:

    @pete wrote:

    What happened to the “it’s only a msg board” ” it’s the internet it isnt real” people

    I’m still here Pete, I think I am one on my own :roll:

    excuse me?? :twisted:


    @sir Actor wrote:

    @*Sian wrote:

    @pete wrote:

    What happened to the “it’s only a msg board” ” it’s the internet it isnt real” people

    I’m still here Pete, I think I am one on my own :roll:

    excuse me?? :twisted:

    Have you papped your kecks again?


    @sharongooner wrote:

    one will wonder rubes.

    Martin has deleted the thread now thanks to a friend.

    I do wonder how much of a hand in all this the moderators have, whether it be by being active or inactive

    trust nobody.

    last words x

    i like this conspiracy theory sharon, however, if the mods did have an hand in all this then i think they will be on a hiding to nothing in future. Dreamsprite well and truly p/issed everyone off this weekend, no saturday night banter and not as many people posting. far from putting ideas into peoples head she almost did what Geoff said he would do , ie bring the boards to a standstill single handedly, the boards on Saturday night were pretty much deserted until sunday when regs decided they would post anyway and ignore dreamsprite.

    whoeve dreamsprite is , i have to say, especially as they seem to have ‘charge’ of some young children is a particularly worrying individual, sure we have all replied post after post, but for 36 hours? I suppose in some ways the attention seeking she/he so very desperately needs is still happening but this individual definately needs to get some sort of counselling or some help somewhere, dreamsprite please think about doing something , what you did over the weekend was ocd, take a long hard look at yourself and the reasons you did it, lets face it we all have been ticked off by someone in cyber space but i dont recall anyone who flipped like you did. depression or ocd dreamsprite is no joke go get help!!!

    now , to the spamming of the boards, i must admit having seen PB on several times during the course of all this , i was surprised he dint delete/ban whatever they do, ban the ip addy…. i dont know how they do it , idid think at one time maybe he was just leaving dreamsprite to spam herself out and then come in , and yet the minute ‘her pic’ and details were published he removed those pretty dammed quick…… I will never understand the ‘rules’ for deleting posts, lets face it i was a target not so long ago and some bluddy awful stuff was said but the posts were never deleted…..

    what do we do about it? have read several posts that suggest perhaps there should be more mods with deleting powers, that may be an idea , but maybe the better idea as suggested in the undertones of some of the posts is that we all walk out? let us who are paying the bills of the owners and the retirement villa seekers vote what we think of spammers with our keyboards !! take em up and go do something else instead?

    thing is though and if some are truthful, some need these boards as much as the site owners do for different reasons, i was one of those on saturday night looking for a bit of light hearted banter lol, i dont see anything wrong with that , beats sitting in front of the tv at least this place is interactive for those who dont go out much lol …..

    so my point? my point is perish the thought that this place would ever get namby pamby and ‘nice’ cos it wouldnt be just chat but i seriously think we should show the powers that be that unless they deal with spamming and abuse when its on the scale it was on saturday night then we will deal with it ? and admin? bluddy get your rules right, you have deleted some posts ‘just because’ where as you let others go on and on, your site rules clearly state harrasment wont be tolerated blah blah blah…… not worth the screen they are written on!!!!!

    *steps down off soap box n gets ready to go into the real world* 8-[ :wink:



    God almighty cath how long did it take you to think that little lot up ? You,d be right at home in speakers corner you would. :roll: :roll:
    The offending nasty scary poster has been dealt with cath, now go and have a cup of camomile tea or something and do some yoga. You,ll give yourself an ulcer. :roll: :wink:


    @bat wrote:

    God almighty cath how long did it take you to think that little lot up ? You,d be right at home in speakers corner you would. :roll: :roll:
    The offending nasty scary poster has been dealt with cath, now go and have a cup of camomile tea or something and do some yoga. You,ll give yourself an ulcer. :roll: :wink:

    talkin of jc wimmin wiv balls…………………. :wink: :wink: give batty the power pb lol she’ll sort em out one of the best no nonsense dunt p/iss bout guides i know lol xxxxx



    @cath 55 wrote:

    @bat wrote:

    God almighty cath how long did it take you to think that little lot up ? You,d be right at home in speakers corner you would. :roll: :roll:
    The offending nasty scary poster has been dealt with cath, now go and have a cup of camomile tea or something and do some yoga. You,ll give yourself an ulcer. :roll: :wink:

    talkin of jc wimmin wiv balls…………………. :wink: :wink: give batty the power pb lol she’ll sort em out one of the best no nonsense dunt p/iss bout guides i know lol xxxxx

    Awwwwwwwwww cath your too kind lol. Now go and sit in a dark room and play some pan pipe music and light some scented candles and eat a huge bar of choccy. :wink:
    Oh BTW, not that I,m being picky or anything, it,s HOST. Check the staff list. tsk tsk tsk. :roll: :wink: :wink: :wink:


    Cath … I’ll make two points to you:

    1) It wasn’t me that deleted the pics (posted I think by Pebbles) but I assume that she did it herself – I may be wrong on this, but I do know that I sure didn’t do it – nor did GM and nor did Martin (who was away that weekend)

    2) I must have deleted literally hundreds of the spam threads which wereall over the boards, as did my colleague GM. As fast as they were deleted, the user simply replaced them. Frankly, I have a lot of better and more interesting things to do with my weekends than play stupid games with a demented spammer who seemed to have a specific grudge against one user – God knows why.

    It’s all very well whinging about it, but it takes one hell of a lot of time to go through every thread deleting etc etc and, contrary to popular misconception, I don’t spend all of my days and evenings sitting in frontt of the computer doing this. I reckon that 4 hours was more than sufficient…… and if that’s not good enough for you then I’m really soorry!!!!!

    I’m also really sorry if your alternative to the TV was disrupted for a weekend but i’m sure that you’ll get over it in time.


    @cath 55 wrote:

    @bat wrote:

    God almighty cath how long did it take you to think that little lot up ? You,d be right at home in speakers corner you would. :roll: :roll:
    The offending nasty scary poster has been dealt with cath, now go and have a cup of camomile tea or something and do some yoga. You,ll give yourself an ulcer. :roll: :wink:

    talkin of jc wimmin wiv balls…………………. :wink: :wink: give batty the power pb lol she’ll sort em out one of the best no nonsense dunt p/iss bout guides i know lol xxxxx

    Id second that! Thanks for that Cath, as I was away for 4 days..and now im kinda
    up to date with it all. :wink:


    Has anyone thought that our phantom spammer might actually be Cath… :shock: :shock:


    @fastcars wrote:

    Has anyone thought that our phantom spammer might actually be Cath… :shock: :shock:

    LOl oh dont you start with the paranoia ! I nearly got blamed for it too ,as i do agree that those creeps do tend to be closer to home than we think..

    now cath where WERE you all day Saturday,and can you produce photographic evidence in your alibi :)

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