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  • #353842

    @*GG* wrote:

    WTF’s become of this site? I’ve never come across so many freaks that congregate in the one place.

    ^ the only sensible thing said on this thread so far.

    you’re all flush with your own self importance and opinions but you’re the most boring people on plant earth at the end of the day.

    Well most of you are.


    whats up with the word A small exclusive group of friends or associates nowt wrong with that Ok i’ll change tack bunch of fucking hypocrites who’ll criticise (attack) one person for posting pics but not another .. There is that better Very few of you have got the sense to see i wasnt defending dreamsprite i wasnt gonna post she was childish and stop it on all her threads i did that in pm


    @fastcars wrote:

    @pete wrote:

    @~*Lucky*~ wrote:

    @~Pebbles~ wrote:

    @pete wrote:

    look when Anita posted a pic that had Pats mum on it people objected strongly me included i criticise the fact that pics of someones kids were put up then called ugly and who got the criticism after that .. me … i said nothing that others hadnt said on Anita’s thread in fact i was polite Of course I was taking dreamsprite’s side defending her? anyone believes that is an idiot The beef is with one person not their family or friends thats all im saying

    are you all there???

    I’ll say again…dreamshyte DID bring other peoples families into it…have a wee look down the many threads beneath this one, she mentioned vile stuff about shazza’s hubby on at least 3 threads, and pbs wife …if she cant take it she shouldnt dish it out. She got a taste of her own medicine today and she fully deserved it.

    Agreed, what goes around comes around. I have no sympathy.

    Did the UGLY children deserve it ? Wasnt even 100% certain it was her or her children but plough on regardless anyway If you read what i posted i had no sympathy for Dreamsprite

    Do you really think the ugly kids CARE???

    I care


    @toybulldog wrote:

    @pete wrote:

    I gotta disagree BM these were peoples kids and she wasnt even sure the right kids This should have been stopped anyway days ago i have to agree with peoples views on that but two wrongs dont make a right How far do you take the they did it it’s ok for me to do it ?

    you take offence at
    ……one post………..
    then try and turn it into a clique fing ??

    shame on you ! people are starting to think that its only the women on here have balls and sometimes I wonder……



    @toybulldog wrote:

    @toybulldog wrote:

    @pete wrote:

    I gotta disagree BM these were peoples kids and she wasnt even sure the right kids This should have been stopped anyway days ago i have to agree with peoples views on that but two wrongs dont make a right How far do you take the they did it it’s ok for me to do it ?

    you take offence at
    ……one post………..
    then try and turn it into a clique fing ??

    shame on you ! people are starting to think that its only the women on here have balls and sometimes I wonder……


    you said that once and no i took exception to loads of posts including dreamsprites and i told her I took exception to peoples kids being called ugly when they had nothing to do with it


    and I take exception at her comments about my husband, posting his full name everywhere and all the other stuff. And rainny had stuff posted about her brother too. ALL of its unacceptable.

    Had I not have been a target I would 100% agree with you Pete. But as Pebbles said you see things differently when your in the firing line, and I have little sympathy left as far as posting her pics is concerned. That is quite upsetting.

    But thats done and dusted now, over with.

    Perhaps one day she will tell me why, but at the moment I feel a lot of sorrow for her, I really do, because she is a real person, who has something either wrong with her, or something bad happening in her life because she is lashing out for attention.

    If anybody ever finds out what the problem is please let me know, and I may understand what all this was all about in the first place.


    Pebbles can talk :roll:


    Just putting mt 4 pennies worth in even though its page after page of the same thing but not that my opinion is any more important or valid than anyone else ‘s
    but pete’s right … any use of abuse too anyone family is not only unnecessary but desperate and cowardly, if u are going to fight even if it is in retaliation do it fairly and directed at the people you have a problem with, so yes it was wrong to post pictures of kids that you had no idea who’s they actually were, so this in my eyes is wrong, also going on what this dreamsprite has been like the last 2 days, i would imagine they would be the sort of person too use someone elses info not there own, but the stuff dreamsprite has posted whoever they are has been deplorable and upsetting to shazza and her husband should not be bought into this either. Fight if u must be atleast do it face to face not with underhanded ,back handed comments about each others families, it isnt the right thing to do, yes i can see why people would be angry with shazza’s treatment and i agree with that thought whole heartedly, but in doing what u have done u weaken her stance anyway, by lowering yourself to the tactics used by dreamsprite and using underage kids even worse.


    @sharongooner wrote:

    and I take exception at her comments about my husband, posting his full name everywhere and all the other stuff. And rainny had stuff posted about her brother too. ALL of its unacceptable.

    Had I not have been a target I would 100% agree with you Pete. But as Pebbles said you see things differently when your in the firing line, and I have little sympathy left as far as posting her pics is concerned. That is quite upsetting.

    But thats done and dusted now, over with.

    Perhaps one day she will tell me why, but at the moment I feel a lot of sorrow for her, I really do, because she is a real person, who has something either wrong with her, or something bad happening in her life because she is lashing out for attention.

    If anybody ever finds out what the problem is please let me know, and I may understand what all this was all about in the first place.

    Your sorrow should be for the poor woman who had absolutely nothing to do with this and who’s name photo and information has been posted in response to whatever it is that dreamsprite has done to whoever she did it too, star had nothing to do with this and is now seriously upset what gave you lot the right to do that?


    @sharongooner wrote:

    and I take exception at her comments about my husband, posting his full name everywhere and all the other stuff. And rainny had stuff posted about her brother too. ALL of its unacceptable.

    Ypu are without question the most pathetic nauseating specimen that ever set foot in JC.
    You’ve been posting my picture for the past two days to try and huniliate me you two faced cunt.

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