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  • #353802

    @Bad Manners wrote:

    @johnboy25 wrote:

    I didn’t want to wade into this arguement cos I’ve been there and done that (though feel free to point it out if you’d prefer to go over old ground again) but it seems that the same folk having a go at pete are the same folk who had a go at me cos unlike some I didn’t dislike MM which was viewed as a cardinal sin which meant that I must be gullibe to fly in the face of popular opinion.

    Just thought it was interesting to note that certain folk don’t feel the need to snipe when someone is trying to be reasonable while others can’t wait.

    People were just trying to stop you making a fool of yourself John thinking it was a Cheerleader you were talking to.

    bet he feels like scrubbing himself with wire wool now he knows he was whacking off over a 50 year old moustachiod granny :lol:


    @~Pebbles~ wrote:

    @Bad Manners wrote:

    @johnboy25 wrote:

    I didn’t want to wade into this arguement cos I’ve been there and done that (though feel free to point it out if you’d prefer to go over old ground again) but it seems that the same folk having a go at pete are the same folk who had a go at me cos unlike some I didn’t dislike MM which was viewed as a cardinal sin which meant that I must be gullibe to fly in the face of popular opinion.

    Just thought it was interesting to note that certain folk don’t feel the need to snipe when someone is trying to be reasonable while others can’t wait.

    People were just trying to stop you making a fool of yourself John thinking it was a Cheerleader you were talking to.

    bet he feels like scrubbing himself with wire wool now he knows he was whacking off over a 50 year old moustachiod granny :lol:



    @rubyred wrote:

    john,,its you that keeps bringing it up ! we had forgotten all about THAT. Of course you “liked” her,as you beleived in her,and thats fair enough.she has been well and truly found out.

    let it lie ffs. ! its yesterdays news.

    Really? And here it is again ‘We know you better than you know yourself. We know how you think and how you arrive at conclusions even though none of us have ever met you (thank f**k, I’ve met enough people like that – I usually call them bullies. Take a bow folks) or know the first thing about you’


    @johnboy25 wrote:

    @rubyred wrote:

    john,,its you that keeps bringing it up ! we had forgotten all about THAT. Of course you “liked” her,as you beleived in her,and thats fair enough.she has been well and truly found out.

    let it lie ffs. ! its yesterdays news.

    Really? And here it is again ‘We know you better than you know yourself. We know how you think and how you arrive at conclusions even though none of us have ever met you (thank f**k, I’ve met enough people like that – I usually call them bullies. Take a bow folks) or know the first thing about you’

    Granny Fu/cker.


    @johnboy25 wrote:

    @rubyred wrote:

    john,,its you that keeps bringing it up ! we had forgotten all about THAT. Of course you “liked” her,as you beleived in her,and thats fair enough.she has been well and truly found out.

    let it lie ffs. ! its yesterdays news.

    Really? And here it is again ‘We know you better than you know yourself. We know how you think and how you arrive at conclusions even though none of us have ever met you (thank f**k, I’ve met enough people like that – I usually call them bullies. Take a bow folks) or know the first thing about you’

    You made an ar*se of yourself. Live with it ok.


    @fastcars wrote:

    @johnboy25 wrote:

    I didn’t want to wade into this arguement cos I’ve been there and done that (though feel free to point it out if you’d prefer to go over old ground again) but it seems that the same folk having a go at pete are the same folk who had a go at me cos unlike some I didn’t dislike MM which was viewed as a cardinal sin which meant that I must be gullibe to fly in the face of popular opinion.

    Just thought it was interesting to note that certain folk don’t feel the need to snipe when someone is trying to be reasonable while others can’t wait.

    Be a man fgs and dont stay a boy all your life. :roll: Name names and stop hiding behind your deceptive type.

    I don’t know your name so sorry but I can’t. But I made it perfectly clear at the time, tough nuts if you’re too blinded by your own sense of self worth to see comments for what they are.


    @johnboy25 wrote:

    @rubyred wrote:

    john,,its you that keeps bringing it up ! we had forgotten all about THAT. Of course you “liked” her,as you beleived in her,and thats fair enough.she has been well and truly found out.

    let it lie ffs. ! its yesterdays news.

    Really? And here it is again ‘We know you better than you know yourself. We know how you think and how you arrive at conclusions even though none of us have ever met you (thank f**k, I’ve met enough people like that – I usually call them bullies. Take a bow folks) or know the first thing about you’

    no bad manners said we had encountered her before under some guise or other,,you were a wet behind the ears newbie. I said at the time ” its probably a bearded bloke from Barnsley” fook me i wasnt far wrong ! you were taken for a ride.and i dont know you at al..but i DO know how the likes of kate etc etc work, seek out the newcomers,she sees them as vulnerable.
    anyway must dash,,needing to go to shops,,have a nice night all x


    @rubyred wrote:

    @johnboy25 wrote:

    @rubyred wrote:

    john,,its you that keeps bringing it up ! we had forgotten all about THAT. Of course you “liked” her,as you beleived in her,and thats fair enough.she has been well and truly found out.

    let it lie ffs. ! its yesterdays news.

    Really? And here it is again ‘We know you better than you know yourself. We know how you think and how you arrive at conclusions even though none of us have ever met you (thank f**k, I’ve met enough people like that – I usually call them bullies. Take a bow folks) or know the first thing about you’

    no bad manners said we had encountered her before under some guise or other,,you were a wet behind the ears newbie. I said at the time ” its probably a bearded bloke from Barnsley” fook me i wasnt far wrong ! you were taken for a ride.and i dont know you at al..but i DO know how the likes of kate etc etc work, seek out the newcomers,she sees them as vulnerable.
    anyway must dash,,needing to go to shops,,have a nice night all x

    :lol: :lol: :lol:


    as opposed to the grizzled JC veterans who’ve been there seen it done it :lol: As ive been here as long as most maybe i should take newbies under my greying wing


    @rubyred wrote:

    @johnboy25 wrote:

    @rubyred wrote:

    john,,its you that keeps bringing it up ! we had forgotten all about THAT. Of course you “liked” her,as you beleived in her,and thats fair enough.she has been well and truly found out.

    let it lie ffs. ! its yesterdays news.

    Really? And here it is again ‘We know you better than you know yourself. We know how you think and how you arrive at conclusions even though none of us have ever met you (thank f**k, I’ve met enough people like that – I usually call them bullies. Take a bow folks) or know the first thing about you’

    no bad manners said we had encountered her before under some guise or other,,you were a wet behind the ears newbie. I said at the time ” its probably a bearded bloke from Barnsley” fook me i wasnt far wrong ! you were taken for a ride.and i dont know you at al..but i DO know how the likes of kate etc etc work, seek out the newcomers,she sees them as vulnerable.
    anyway must dash,,needing to go to shops,,have a nice night all x

    Was I? Because I, despite what you or anyone else said, formed my own opinions I was taken for a ride? Because it wasn’t what everyone else thought? Because I dared not to follow the rest and jump on a bandwagon? Because I refused to be bullied into your way of thinking?

    I’m not the one with the problem.

Viewing 10 posts - 191 through 200 (of 491 total)

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