I agree with what Kent said there, that had the CCTV shown them selling the alchohol themselves they would have been prosecuted, or at the very least! received a warning, dependant upon the officer at the time :roll: It happened quite often in the offie I worked in, the local police though, got used to the idea that no matter how much the youngsters told them they’d bought it in our shop, they knew they hadn’t.
On the issue of the cigarettes tho, i’m sure I don’t have to tell Kent the law and I don’t want to come across like i’m teaching a grannie to suck eggs, as they say. But! selling cigarettes to that woman, knowing that she’s purchasing them for her daughter, is also against the law, your quite within your rights to refuse her service saying that you believe she’s purchasing for underage, no argument. Either that or run the risk of being caught doing it, depends what you consider is the greater risk, but your quite right, they can, and will! if need be, revoke your licence.
On the whole smoking issue anyway, I don’t think the goverment are ever going to be able to stop it completely. They make far too much money out of it for a start, for all the right noises about how much it costs the NHS etc etc., Complete prohibition would just mean a return to a black market method of obtaining them, pretty much the same way that people find and buy drugs.