Boards Index General discussion Getting serious Do you have a personality?

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  • #1095425

    Interesting question : how would you consider your personality? and more importantly….does your personality compare with what other people think of your personality?

    Now for an obvious joke…….i met my twin brother the other day…i was beside my self….LMAO


    1 member liked this post.

    We all have own personality. It is nature of our all being unique in own way. Life would be boring.. don’t u agree?


    i seen some person teaching some lesson, but one day he was not there as he just went home, then i heard this teacher say he has no persoanlty, when i seen him and his dad about that, they did not seem to use that teacher if any again, we all have personality’s, just many humans seem to be more like sheeple, and other people have abusive personaltys.


    Personally i have two personalities I use:

    Mizzy for the Muppet wombles in JC

    Sarah for the people who are actually worth being myself with.

    Sometimes its easier to give the Muppet wombles what they want and just giggle at them from afar.




    What a stupid question? This is JC we all have multiple online auras but only one is really real.

    Everyone has some form of personality even if it might be dire.

    Unless you are deemed mental in which case there is more than likely a basket of choices for every reaction/section.


    MisterQ whats your personality apart from trying to spam the board with tripe?

    I noticed you had 2200 odd postings and a limited number of replies.


    You sound like you need some coaching.

    B-) B-)   B-)   B-)   B-)   :mail:   :cry:




    • This reply was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by  ruthless.

    Lol ruthless, lol. Could not resist…


    some personalty types they like to insult people for no good reason



    Cor blimey its murder in ere.

    I cannie defend one without upsetting the other, so I just come out with comments like ‘I quite like bla bla’ and ‘well that’s a bit harsh’ or say nothing at all.



    Some more than others but at the end of the day ENJOY THE DIVERSITY OF LIFE AND OUR INTRICATE PERSONALITIES.

    As long as you all totally LOVE me its ok but (sometimes cos I am Sarah and not Mizzy) it bothers me when you tear strips off eachother.

    Funny remarks retorts banter all good.  Getting nasty and personal never bodes well.  Unless I am doing it then its ok cos I can see who needs it and who does not.

    Be kind to eachother, and to yourself.

    Maury Provich used to say that after every episode.

    And before I go

    Suck on that my haters xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


    wetting myself right now

    Sorry what was the thread about?

    Oh yeah

    You are all lovely apart from the people who aint that keen on me.  Have no idea why youre not.



    some of you need one


    Justnothing is lush he makes me blush

    Mister q makes me feel smiley he is from filey

    linda is flobablobba lob never makes no sense

    she knows milky cos he’s so dense

    I am so lovely its all about ME ha



    does someone with d.i.d have there own personaltys or dont they know, supposly people who come out a nut house haved killed, the media say they are scitso but actually they have d.i.d..

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