Boards Index General discussion Getting serious Do you ever wonder what your neighbours favourite colour is late at night?…..

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  • #1097896

    ffs bloody one of my nigbours dogs is barking now!


    oh good idea I need to get all the tips I can to solve this confusing thing MIZZ, also do u have any spare spade as I just need one (nothing like for burying someone thou) I have no clue if someone murderd a few people and dogs, altho I do have a rubbish memory for essential things I life but I remember useless info….

    I now know why my toilet got blocked I just had a memory of some zombie type person so I had to shove it down the toilet.

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    also I did a one in punch on ted actually not a karate chop jesus get your facts right why aye man, someone told me one day I look like some person called one punch man on a anime movie, also the image | looks like me before and after my hair cut as I had my hair cut again a few Friday 2 top 0 sides back and a bit of me massive eyebrows, I also got pissed off as I orderd another takeaway… exp to, and he was late as the idiot did put delived at the take away place, when it was not and when I got it the saled was missing an the bun was burnt and it was not the best takeway dinner.


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    *takes megaphone from him*

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 9 months ago by  JUSTNOTHING.

    opm –


    Apparently……life is very stereo typical……if a woman dresses in red or wears red lip stick…she’s looking for sex…….or ambitious or just plain dangerous…..

    Thing is……before people were even on the planet…colors were here…….there were red sunsets……red skies etc…….a lot of what has been termed has been termed by humans….after the event i may add….

    I played a joke on my gym once……..i wore pink boxing gloves to see what happened……i never laughed my self so much to sleep when i got home…… people react,respond or retaliate to color….

    Sadly…we live in a world of image……problem is in my opinion…….it’s not people’s own image when they look in the mirror these days but what they think other people want to see them as….


    To be honest ruthless i cant beat dat…but a great tune back in the day was Beat Dis by Bomb The Bass….awesome indeed…..

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