Boards Index › General discussion › Getting serious › DO YOU BELIEVE OR NOT
25 January, 2010 at 9:30 am #14319
Hi Members,
Recently I wrote a serious topic on alcohol and stroke,infact it was my experiences,I’ve had a couple of mails back saying there maybe some doubters to this topic I put up,now that obviously means they are doubting me and I cannot figure out why,is it my openess about being a recovering alcoholic?Is it the young age at which I had a stroke,is it the fear factor.Come on guys please help me out here because this happened to me and it was not a pleasant experience.DEL
25 January, 2010 at 10:01 am #429551Hi Del,
If you have doubters, all I can say is don’t take it personally, it’s the nature of this place. People who have chatted here for a while will have seen other chatters come and go who fake illnesses, personal crisis in their lives and even their own deaths, only to be resurrected in another name. Sadly these people need attention of any kind and will go to any lengths to get it. Unfortunately that means when someone with a genuine story comes along, people are slower to trust it – once bitten, twice shy.
So once again, please don’t take it personally – if only one person reads your story, takes heed and saves their own life or that of a friend, then your efforts will have been worth it.
Best wishes,
Jen25 January, 2010 at 10:29 am #429552Like i said before if it’s you making up stories then you’d be the fool not me for believing you so what do i care either way.. so why not believe you
25 January, 2010 at 10:34 am #429553Del…welcome to the boards btw…wish you happy posting its always nice to have a newbie :lol:
It was extremely brave of you to open your heart and experiences on the boards, especially as a newbie….maybe some doubters thought you were a name changer and winding us up, I don’t know.
You are free to post what you wish as we all are (undless Martin’s had an argument with Mrs PB then he deletes threads because he’s annoyed :lol: )
I hope you get the feedback you wanted, but please don’t be put off by our warped sense of humour at times. :lol:25 January, 2010 at 12:40 pm #429554@will wrote:
delbert fck them all i say. who cares wot sum JC muppets say.. i dnt let it bother me. sum on ere think im thick and a chav. but if u met me in real life u wud see that im quite
clever.. i dont act it sumtimes… but deep down i have the knowlidge.
point is i believe stuff unless it is proven otherwize. so i have no reason not to beleeve you. cos why wud i?say wot u want and be proud and fck the non beeleevers. fck up there whiny asses haha well not literally that wud be gay.
fckin hell me head is bangin glad i foned u work sick. :lol:deep down in your pants? :lol:
25 January, 2010 at 12:48 pm #429555Will I’m proper thick but I have the knowledge :lol:
25 January, 2010 at 4:36 pm #429556thing is tho will u DO let it bother u
25 January, 2010 at 4:45 pm #429557i have to say Delbert i never read your first post, but have now done so, and it was a very brave post, i know a little of what alcohol can do and i hope your story will be able to help many people, good luck to you and welcome to the boards, and please take no heed of any one who wants to accuse or ridicule you, its their issues, they can’t help it either, most of these like that arent bad people just hurt or confused or in some way damaged, they probably need more compassion that most of us, but they wont see it that way of course.
Just feel free to be you and do your thing :D -
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