Boards Index › General discussion › Getting serious › Do you agree with the deportation of criminal immigrants ?
3 April, 2007 at 8:17 pm #265765
I’m guessing the intent there was for there to actually be a point maybe yes? But for the life of me I cant actually see even the faintest hint of one
Religion is as much a part of someones culture as eating yams or arranging marriages is
But whether something is practiced in a “tiny” parts of the world, (with pretty much most of Iran with several million inhabitants being just ONE of those ever so ever so backwards TINY portions of it btw) the multiculturalist view is STILL that other cultures should be adored and given social “head” before bending over so they can then shaft you up the rusty bullet hole
The behaviour IS an aspect of those cultures irrespective of whether its due to religion, social dissolution, unevolved thinking or bingo, either way its their “culture” right up until the point they stop doing it
3 April, 2007 at 8:28 pm #265766Errr, jus because someone from a particular religion practises something which is not written down in that religion, goes totally against the teachings of that religion does not therefore mean it is part of that culture or that religion
IF it did, paedophilia would be an integral part of catholicism based upon the child abuse inflicted by catholic priests.
The behavious you describe in remote parts of Iran (the parts where people dont go and are sparsely populated as opposed to the populous parts where this does not occur) or any other part of the world is about male domination, subjugation and oppression..and it occurs in all cultures, whether you dress it up as social bahviour, religion or unevolved thinking, the song always remains the same.
3 April, 2007 at 8:38 pm #265767Err who said it was? Its that persons “culture” their communities, that towns “culture” that districts “culture”
Culture neither concatonises an entire religion nor entire countries, they are regional and subdivided in countless ways by countless other influences, each is still a culture tho
And just because we prefer a particular translation to another one doesnt mean the one we dont like is a mistranslation, infact that COULD be the right one or none of them could be, again, thats not only a selective application but its also an irrelevant one as it doesnt matter who does or doesnt think its correct, because irrespective of its origin it IS still a “culture”
3 April, 2007 at 9:31 pm #265768@slayer wrote:
@sweetasbaileez wrote:
For one Slayer and I are in total agreement :shock: :shock: Don’t we have enough of our own criminals to deal with :?: If we were convicted of a serious crime in many countries we would be deported..( if not killed) why should we keep them here, paying thousands od pounds a week out of our taxes to ‘rehabilitate’ them in our prisons… a warm bed, a paid job, no bills to worry about and clothing is hardly likely to encourage any prisoner to go on the ‘straight and narrow’ now is it :?: If I commited a murder in the middle east.. i would be executed.. and rightly so.. maybe we should start chopping off peoples hands or stoning :?: :?: Would certainly make a few more people think twice before commiting acts of criminality wouldn’t it :?: Our justice system is one to be laughed at… there are many sympathetic people who consider the criminal as someone who has suffered..( paedophiles abuse becasue they were abused .. junkies mug and rob because they need help ect ect )…Where is the sympathy for the law abiding citizen :?: It’s all about Human Rights…and as a working class person in England ..I have none…. it makes me think maybe i should start injecting skag, mugging old ladies, beating people… anything in fact.. atleast that way I won’t have to worry about the bills for a few years :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
I’ve taken the Mogadon now and had a lie down and will ensure we never agree again on anything-
One thing tho Sweets- please dont compare our way of life to that in the middle east (where they stone murderers etc) unless you are going to compare the whole culture- the bit where women are forced to wear veils, cannot see a dr (male dr’s arent allowed to treat women and women arent allowed to work and hence there are no female dr’s!), unable to work, gang raped if they even look at another man- extremists exist in all cultures but it doesnt do to pick out the bits if a culture you like and say “we should be like them”
That would indeed be a fair comment to make Slayer had we been discussing the veil wearing or the rape and appalling abuse that those women suffer….as we were discussing on whether or not immigrant criminals be deported.I felt it only fair to make comments concerning that question…. lest we get above ourselves and change the whole direction of what I thought was a very reasonable post :? :roll: :!:
25 April, 2007 at 4:19 pm #265769Assuming we’re talking about LEGAL immigrants, then I’d say yes and no. For very minor offences they shouldn’t necessarily be deported. More serious offenders should be deported after serving their sentences unless it can be shown that they face persecution.
Imagine a situation where an Iranian national who has lived in this country with a girlfriend for many years faces deportation to Iran for after committing a shoplifting offence. If they are returned to Iran they might be put to death for ‘living in sin’ with the girlfriend in the UK although that is not an offence here.
Some countries have laws that apply to their citizens wherever they might be. Britsh laws on ‘sex tourism’ are an example.
Islamic Sharia law presumably applies to muslims wherever they are.
Another example is that it is an offence under British (English?) law for anyone, anywhere in the world, to hijack a plane. So if a Russian hijacks Japanese plane in Brazil, and they come to Britain while on the run, they can be tried under our laws and sentenced to serve in a prison here.
25 April, 2007 at 4:41 pm #265770Why ONLY deport them if they ARENT facing persecution?
Who says they HAVE to go back to the exact same country they came from? Or even the same area of the country they did flee?
Infact that “persecution” is often the sentence for a crime they committed before coming here anyway, one committed knowing the penalty at the time and therefore in those cases a sentence that SHOULD be served whatever the penalty is
We would object if a country refused to send someone back here to serve a sentence claiming our punishments where either too harsh or too lenient so we should act accordingly in matters of criminal prosecution and sentencing IMO
Where the persecution is of another form and cant be adequately disproved (many of them are lying about it) then we should sent them to another country with a similar culture, anywhere really except here as being an immigrant is a privelidge and NOT a right as so many seem to think
I agree about minor offences tho, where would that stop? A parking ticket? Speeding fine? I think some idiots would send otherwise productive people back for any transgression given the chance to which is a bit ludicrous IMO, but then again so is letting people stay here who arent of the calibre we SHOULD be expecting
25 April, 2007 at 5:27 pm #265771a criminal is a criminal and should be treated as such by the law of the land they belong.
25 April, 2007 at 8:49 pm #265772all immigrants should be screened on application quite simple if they are known criminals they dont get in. if they commit a crime they serve their time then, they and their family are sent packing. i they commit a crime that doesnt warrant prison i.e almost any crime nowadays they are sent packing but their family can stay as long as they have one adult working full time and they can talk fluent english. apart from that let em all in no matter what. OH SORRY TOO LATE THE BEGGARS ARE ALREADY HERE THANX TONY… :twisted:
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