Boards Index General discussion Getting serious Do you agree with the deportation of criminal immigrants ?

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    Do you agree with the deportation of criminal immigrants ?
    Do we need tougher justice generally?

    The human rights say it could be dangerous for them to be deported but dont you think that if there was more serious consequences for your criminal actions there would be less crime in the first place,they make the choice to do the crime they should accept the consequences.

    Perhaps it’s the first step to proper justice (not just for immigrants, i’m not racist)Especially for violent crime wouldn’t this deter future foreign criminals ??
    Moving onto non immigrant criminals and less crowded prisons.

    Bring back national service, to teach people discipline and decency, instead of taxpayers feeding clothing and housing them until they are released usually after less than a third of their sentence, to come out and reoffend.




    I dont agree with some of em
    i know a few and they are really genuine ppl they dont deserve to have to go bk 2there own country to be attacked and slaved




    For one Slayer and I are in total agreement :shock: :shock: Don’t we have enough of our own criminals to deal with :?: If we were convicted of a serious crime in many countries we would be deported..( if not killed) why should we keep them here, paying thousands od pounds a week out of our taxes to ‘rehabilitate’ them in our prisons… a warm bed, a paid job, no bills to worry about and clothing is hardly likely to encourage any prisoner to go on the ‘straight and narrow’ now is it :?: If I commited a murder in the middle east.. i would be executed.. and rightly so.. maybe we should start chopping off peoples hands or stoning :?: :?: Would certainly make a few more people think twice before commiting acts of criminality wouldn’t it :?: Our justice system is one to be laughed at… there are many sympathetic people who consider the criminal as someone who has suffered..( paedophiles abuse becasue they were abused .. junkies mug and rob because they need help ect ect )…Where is the sympathy for the law abiding citizen :?: It’s all about Human Rights…and as a working class person in England ..I have none…. it makes me think maybe i should start injecting skag, mugging old ladies, beating people… anything in fact.. atleast that way I won’t have to worry about the bills for a few years :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:


    What exactly do you mean?

    People who came here as immgrants and THEN committed a crime? Or ones who came here escaping a country they committed one in? Because the two are quite different in many ways

    Left wing politics lack cogesion and any form of consistency, it contradicts itself cionstantly and operates using the squeaky wheel principle

    The first type IMO shouldbt be deported UNTIL they have served their sentence

    Immigration is a privelidge, so on any transgression of a serious nature they should serve their time then be deported so a more worthy and deserving immigrant can take their place

    As reoffending in such a wimpy criminal stroking society is rife then one act is statistically likely to be just the first

    Also, if we deported them on the understanding that their own country would apply their sentence does anyone really believe it would be the case? So as much as it does cost us money I would rather see their time served and then followed by isntant banishment

    The second type is a bit of left wing nonsense, on the one hand “all cultures are wonderful (cept ours it seems) and with a spirit of multiculturalism should be appreciated”

    Well, the death penalty like it or not IS a part of many cultures, and to say “we like other cultures, well,,,, what we mean is we like this bit and that one, but we want you to change this and this because OUR culture doesnt like it” IS racism whether the left wing hippy socialist throw backs will admit it or not

    Its THEIR culture, they committed the crime in THEIR culture and should therefore be punished for it there

    Dont we ask for people to be sent back here for their crimes? What if anotehr country decided they didnt agree with imprisonment? Would we just say ok? If another country said “well you give 20 years for that crime, but we only give 10 hours community service so we will let them serve their sentence here instead” would we be ok with that? Course not

    So we dont have any right to intervene in another country and another cultures legal system IMO, if THEY dont like it THEY should change it, and when a crime has been committed UNDER that legal system that country has the right to exact its own cultural definition of justice from that person, a penalty they KNEW was the case before they committed the crime

    So those we should have back on a plain quicker than you could say “can I have a free council house and benefits please”

    Just a thought provoker, suppose the crime was rape or child molestation? How many would be JUST as likely to complain about someone being sent back to be executed for THAT?

    Because if you can selectively apply it then you lose any fair right to deny deportation for lesser crimes IMO, and hypocrisy just aint an attractive trait



    I believe if am Immagrant commits a criminal offence in our Country, wether it is small or large crime then the result shhould be the same. Deportation. After all there isn’t enough space in our prisons for our own criminals.

    Oh yeah and i beeive we should bring back the death penalty. :roll: :roll:


    @sweetasbaileez wrote:

    For one Slayer and I are in total agreement :shock: :shock: Don’t we have enough of our own criminals to deal with :?: If we were convicted of a serious crime in many countries we would be deported..( if not killed) why should we keep them here, paying thousands od pounds a week out of our taxes to ‘rehabilitate’ them in our prisons… a warm bed, a paid job, no bills to worry about and clothing is hardly likely to encourage any prisoner to go on the ‘straight and narrow’ now is it :?: If I commited a murder in the middle east.. i would be executed.. and rightly so.. maybe we should start chopping off peoples hands or stoning :?: :?: Would certainly make a few more people think twice before commiting acts of criminality wouldn’t it :?: Our justice system is one to be laughed at… there are many sympathetic people who consider the criminal as someone who has suffered..( paedophiles abuse becasue they were abused .. junkies mug and rob because they need help ect ect )…Where is the sympathy for the law abiding citizen :?: It’s all about Human Rights…and as a working class person in England ..I have none…. it makes me think maybe i should start injecting skag, mugging old ladies, beating people… anything in fact.. atleast that way I won’t have to worry about the bills for a few years :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

    I’ve taken the Mogadon now and had a lie down and will ensure we never agree again on anything-

    One thing tho Sweets- please dont compare our way of life to that in the middle east (where they stone murderers etc) unless you are going to compare the whole culture- the bit where women are forced to wear veils, cannot see a dr (male dr’s arent allowed to treat women and women arent allowed to work and hence there are no female dr’s!), unable to work, gang raped if they even look at another man- extremists exist in all cultures but it doesnt do to pick out the bits if a culture you like and say “we should be like them”


    Actually you missed an interesting aspect of those “luffly ickle cultures”

    If a female child is molested or a woman raped the man who she acuses is flogged……

    Sounds fair enough so far yeah?

    Except for then fact that if she is over 12 or 13 ish she is then hung for the crime of having been “tainted” or because she is obviously a “temptress” who “made” the man do it by using her womanly wiles

    If she is below those ages she isnt hung, shes merely improsoned instead……..

    And is then hung when she IS old enough :?

    Yes, arent these wonderful cultures we should all be trying to emulate just ever so ever so peachy lol

    What planet do these flippin hippy throw back wanna be social worker minority huggers live on FFS? :shock:


    Actually Uber, these occur in very backward or extreme parts of the world which use Islam as a tool to subjugate women and gain power. The vast majority of the mainstream Muslim world have no more time for these inbreds than we do and see them as an embarassment to their faith.

    Of course, us Christians would never use religion as a weapon against each other (the last 2,000 years excepted natch)- ffs, we christians murdered another 6 millions fellow christians less than 70 years ago because of their faith. And of course, the catholic churches refusal to allow birth control is naturally designed to ensure women receive equal rights to men- NOT! Just because “our” church is more insidious in its oppression doesnt make it any less vile.

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