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11 March, 2017 at 2:04 pm #1025666
My personal experience of JC is, folk you thought you got on with (ladies) go crazy if you criticize their online men, my point is, how do you take these “online” women at face value and… defend the right of both genders and for both to have an opinion.
Friends, be they same sex or opposite, should be able to disagree with each other about certain things, and still remain friends…. in my opinion… If your ‘friend’ won’t allow you to hold a different opinion to them, there is no respect there. I mean we are not in the school yard !!….. then again ……
Sorry, wandered a bit off topic there….11 March, 2017 at 2:06 pm #1025667One of the good things about being online is the little x in the top corner
Seriously though, do women get a harder time online? Not really sure its down to gender, more personality and accessibility.
I have been using JC, and a few other forums, since 2008 (thats scary
) and yeah, come across trolls, abuse and betrayal but have also come across genuinely nice people, support and trust.
Personally, I socialise more online than in real life, I can control the amount of interaction online.
I have had personal details shared on here, been called fake, a troll, attention seeking and worse. There will always be those that want to belittle, hurt and spew vitriol but that reflects more on them.
Real friendships can be found online, tis just harder because you can only rely on words.
I wouldnt want to change how I am online, at least not in fear of getting bullied, hurt or betrayed. I wouldnt want to let those kind of people affect me, or how I feel.
Worst thing on here for me, now, is the “dont talk to so and so, theyre a dick/troll/tart…” I take as I find.
If it isnt fun, if it gets to you… time to go, I think anyway.
11 March, 2017 at 2:11 pm #102566811 March, 2017 at 2:12 pm #1025669My personal experience of JC is, folk you thought you got on with (ladies) go crazy if you criticize their online men, my point is, how do you take these “online” women at face value and… defend the right of both genders and for both to have an opinion.
Friends, be they same sex or opposite, should be able to disagree with each other about certain things, and still remain friends…. in my opinion… If your ‘friend’ won’t allow you to hold a different opinion to them, there is no respect there. I mean we are not in the school yard !!….. then again …… Sorry, wandered a bit off topic there….
I have been hounded over my choice in talking to a certain chatter, told I am a fool, that said chatter is a troll… known him years in here and never once has he let me down, yet I still get frowned upon, also had a situation where the warning was valid, where I got hurt.
I will not be told by anyone who to talk to, tis fine to disagree about people, just stay respectful, tis all.
11 March, 2017 at 2:38 pm #1025670My personal experience of JC is, folk you thought you got on with (ladies) go crazy if you criticize their online men, my point is, how do you take these “online” women at face value and… defend the right of both genders and for both to have an opinion.
Friends, be they same sex or opposite, should be able to disagree with each other about certain things, and still remain friends…. in my opinion… If your ‘friend’ won’t allow you to hold a different opinion to them, there is no respect there. I mean we are not in the school yard !!….. then again …… Sorry, wandered a bit off topic there….
I have been hounded over my choice in talking to a certain chatter, told I am a fool, that said chatter is a troll… known him years in here and never once has he let me down, yet I still get frowned upon, also had a situation where the warning was valid, where I got hurt. I will not be told by anyone who to talk to, tis fine to disagree about people, just stay respectful, tis all.
I also was hounded this morning by the original poster of this thread funnily enough he called me crazy and a numptie just because i am friends with someone he obviously has a problem with, I defended my friendship nothing more , i dont tell ppl who they can or can not chat too i speak to several ppl who are friends with other chatters i dont get on with, its down to personal choice who we chat, befriend, or avoid.
At the end of the day we all wont get on with everybody, i say ello to most in room, the i tend to speak to a select few in pm because that way your convo isnt subject to the room and kept private.
i have been subjected to abuse off certain chatters just because im friends with someone they dont like, and if they feel the need to do this it says more about them than me. i will chat to who ever i like and avoid those i dont like , yes i have had a go at a few ppl in room once or twice but only after i was provoked for ages and ages , yes i should have just ignored them but hey im only human and we are all guilty of snapping on occation i guess
i think both genders get a hard time in rooms at time and both genders can be nasty at times also i guess its how we react to them as to how it effects our time in chat :)
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11 March, 2017 at 4:59 pm #1025685Had quite a decent conversation tonight, seems us blokes don’t have it as tough as women on this site, (I agree) are men more nasty then women online and why, if so?
I’m not sure it’s that women have it any harder than men online. Maybe some are just an easier target?
For me it’s more about the abuser than the abusee. Once an abuser finds the soft spot of any abusee, they can prod and poke until the abusee is all but flayed publicly.
Is the majority of abuse male to female? I don’t think so. Male to female and female to female is a relatively equal split I think, but I’m not sure about the ratio of female to male.
What does constantly surprise me though, is the depth of vitriol often on display, be it from male or female.
11 March, 2017 at 5:00 pm #1025686Lol. Thanks for your contribution Angel and everyone else. Fortunately I can safely state that just simply isn’t true, that I personally “hounded” you because I simply did not and we had a difference of opinion for the FIRST time on this site and it kind of answers my question, so thank you. I observed one female chatter who is genuinely hounded day after day after day and I guess us men should be extremely careful, if we are responsible users, to differentiate between what is real hounding, what can be interpreted as real hounding and the difference between the two.
11 March, 2017 at 5:09 pm #1025689Lol. Thanks for your contribution Angel and everyone else. Fortunately I can safely state that just simply isn’t true, that I personally “hounded” you because I simply did not and we had a difference of opinion for the FIRST time on this site and it kind of answers my question, so thank you. I observed one female chatter who is genuinely hounded day after day after day and I guess us men should be extremely careful, if we are responsible users, to differentiate between what is real hounding, what can be interpreted as real hounding and the difference between the two.
you kept going at me even after i put you on ignore asking why you could read what i was typing evn though i had u on ignore several chatters told me
i personally have no issue with you Ge if you choose to have a problem with me because im friends with someone you dislike thats your issue not mine.
11 March, 2017 at 5:13 pm #1025690Lol. Thanks for your contribution Angel and everyone else. Fortunately I can safely state that just simply isn’t true, that I personally “hounded” you because I simply did not and we had a difference of opinion for the FIRST time on this site and it kind of answers my question, so thank you. I observed one female chatter who is genuinely hounded day after day after day and I guess us men should be extremely careful, if we are responsible users, to differentiate between what is real hounding, what can be interpreted as real hounding and the difference between the two.
you kept going at me even after i put you on ignore asking why you could read what i was typing evn though i had u on ignore several chatters told me i personally have no issue with you Ge if you choose to have a problem with me because im friends with someone you dislike thats your issue not mine.
Again that just simply isn’t true Angel, I dropped the matter and that was that, no one else had an issue with my opinion, only you. If I was actually “hounding” you and I am certain it would have been pointed out to me, by others. Again my opinion is, people who are genuinely hounded are placed in the same box, as those who aren’t and so it makes it confusing to differentiate between the two.
11 March, 2017 at 5:30 pm #1025691I had weeks of being trolled, in the room and in private, to the point block was pointless as they just logged in with a different name. There is one chatter who will have a dig at me, in several subtle ways while telling me in private they want a fresh start. They log in under different names and try and engage me in conversation. Constantly tell chatters that i am a fake because i lol at a comment made to him by someone he thinks is a namehider.
Disagreeing with someone can open up interesting ideas, lead to different views, slating someone just because they disagree is just daft.
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