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11 March, 2017 at 2:51 pm #1025671
Ok, my very first thread….. * takes deep breath *
I often sit in room, having a laugh, chat etc, listening to ‘what’ s going on’…. then suddenly I feel myself saying in my head , ” noooo stop stop stop, don’t say anymore”. Someone is innocently describing something about themselves, their family, life !! And you just know that somewhere in that list on the right hand side, someone is taking it all in, taking mental notes and that somewhere down the line what the person has innocently divulged will be turned around, twisted and spat out at them, with spite and venom at some future date !
Personally I try not to get into any conversations in the public room that may offer fodder to some twisted, bitter, lowlife, but even the most, mundane things can still be used against you for no apparent reason.
Example, a certain , erm..’thing’ that frequents the room, mentioning no names in full, but its name starts with an E, ends in an S and has a 2 in it ,
, well he knows I am in the medical profession and I have 2 dogs, lots of people know that, its no biggie, however, in this mans bitter little mind, this means ” I stink of dogs”, ” my house stinks of dogs”, ” I can’t have a relationship because I stink of dogs” ” my dogs are my replacement children because I’m a barren, fat, ugly witch” , lol, None of that is true I hasten to say, but, get the picture ? Don’t get me wrong, I couldn’t give a flying fcuk what that sad little individual says, it’s totally laughable. I am quite a strong minded person, I can be gobby, I can be sarky, I can and do make flippant comments, I know my flaws only too well, however some people can really be hurt by what others say about them, some are more vulnerable than others and I just worry that people, sometimes without even realising it, divulge far too much in the chatroom, where lurkers are indeed lurking !
Yes it should be a fun place, a place you can debate an issue , a place to catch up, but I guess my point is BE CAREFUL WHAT YOU SAY !!
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11 March, 2017 at 3:12 pm #1025674Ok, my very first thread….. * takes deep breath * I often sit in room, having a laugh, chat etc, listening to ‘what’ s going on’…. then suddenly I feel myself saying in my head ,to whoever is talking, ” noooo stop stop, stop, don’t say anymore”. Someone is innocently describing something about themselves, their family, life !! And you just know that somewhere in that list on the right hand side, someone is taking it all in, taking mental notes and that somewhere down the line what the person has innocently divulged will be turned around, twisted and spat out at them, with spite and venom at some future date ! Personally I try not to get into any conversations in the public room that may offer fodder to some twisted, bitter, lowlife, but even the most, mundane things can still be used against you for no apparent reason. Example, a certain , erm..’thing’ that frequents the room, mentioning no names in full, but its name starts with an E, ends in an S and has a 2 in it ,
, well he knows I am in the medical profession and I have 2 dogs, lots of people know that, its no biggie, however, in this mans bitter little mind, this means ” I stink of dogs”, ” my house stinks of dogs”, ” I can’t have a relationship because I stink of dogs” ” my dogs are my replacement children because I’m a barren, fat, ugly witch” , lol, None of that is true I hasten to say, but, get the picture ? Don’t get me wrong, I couldn’t give a flying fcuk what that sad little individual says, it’s totally laughable. I am quite a strong minded person, I can be gobby, I can be sarky, I can and do make flippant comments, I know my flaws only too well, however some people can really be hurt by what others say about them, some are more vulnerable than others and I just worry that people, sometimes without even realising it, divulge far too much in the chatroom, where lurkers are indeed lurking ! Yes it should be a fun place, a place you can debate an issue , a place to catch up, but I guess my point is BE CAREFUL WHAT YOU SAY !!
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11 March, 2017 at 3:18 pm #1025676gawd sorry I was trying to edit the first post lol, I’m clearly a novice at this malarkey
11 March, 2017 at 3:49 pm #1025677hey cosy here mz tutincalar,dont be fretting about your first weve all been there just lie back and enjoy it
11 March, 2017 at 3:54 pm #1025678I think ( my opinion) people want to see the good in others, I think what some forget is, they will never meet these people so they don’t care what vitriol they spit, or at whom.
what I don’t get is (even with all my knowledge) what drives people to be so bloody vicious, unless of course its to boost their own sick ego’s, to get them noticed (think 2 yr olds tantrums any attention is better than none – classic Narc)
We all make mistakes, is all I can say, if some sick weirdo wants to take advantage twist what is said assume what is true etc no one will stop them to other ghouls in the room its “fun” which in itself is weird.
like you i’m a strong capable woman Mooosey, and quite frankly if ripping anything I say apart makes em feel good I am happy I’ve helped but, Karma will call eventually. and then they’ll be yelling at the top of their voice – not fair –
funny though is also how flippant comment is deemed true and truth is deemed lie?
11 March, 2017 at 3:59 pm #1025679I think most of us been bitten by giving too much away at one time or another, but it’s a lesson quickly learned.
I’m sure many will remember Mrs Teapot’s thread about her experience.
Hers wasn’t in the room, it was with someone she believed she could trust and the conversation(s) took place in pm.
It’s so very difficult to know when to trust and when not to. I’ve been fortunate and made a couple of good friends from here who are now part of my offline life.
Would I do that now? Very probably not.
As the original poster quite rightly says, all manner of things can be said in innocence only to be regurgitated with a completely different light shone upon them.
Hey folks….let’s be careful out there….
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11 March, 2017 at 3:59 pm #1025680Thing is though, tis hard sometimes not to divulge personal info. I am way too open in chat (real life too) and sure, sometimes, people use that against you but you cant help how you are.
Works for PM too, most, if not all, of any of my personal info was revealed from things said in private. Wrong choice of trust there
I dont regret sharing any of the stuff that I have, nor will I change how I approach chat. I hold my head high, knowing that if someone confides in me no matter what, I will never break a confidence. If people wanna sit and take notes, let them. Would rather be the one hurt than do the hurting.
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11 March, 2017 at 4:04 pm #1025681im in all due respect to laine.not going to
11 March, 2017 at 4:16 pm #1025682Good thread topic moosey
i would say some people do yes but lots of times it’s genuine chit chat…genuine follow on from conversations in the room……someone mentions work…another asks what they do and so forth…..someone mentions an MOT….and another might ask what car they drive ans so forth
its the bitchy few….that will pick this conversation up twist it and turn it into something it’s not…..i.e. Bragging….showing offf
but it’s ok for the bitchy few to mention the exact same things and it’s acceptable
all boils down to who says what to how it’s accepted
it used to be nice finding out about different people…people you wouldn’t necessarily befriend in real life…..having genuine conversations about their general life,work and family… it’s just as bad to ask these questions as it is to divulge the answers
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11 March, 2017 at 4:41 pm #1025683hey cosy here mz tutincalar,dont be fretting about your first weve all been there just lie back and enjoy it
that’s what they all say kidda
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