(PIXI this says – You may choose one or more response – u dont need to put that sentence there as obv people are only allowed one responce, also as u know u dont need them 2 # near the 1 and 2 i voted by the way.)
i voted for – no, the reason is men have many images of women and or videos, so it is only fair for women to have male images and or videos.
tbh seeing people male or female as objects is ok aslong as they treat them with respect like obv not do things they dont want them to i mean physically, actually talking aswell, genders just have to respect the other gender, the prob is what to say and what not to say, i mean if say someone was talking sexual to a female, it dont mean it is bad, but if it is abusive talk then it is bad, unless the female consent to it, same with physical things, i mean as for me i dont have a prob if females was talking sexual to me online or offline, even thou i blv i am a asexual, it is about respect, tbh thou it dont happen a lot for me online and never offline also not many cute looking people look at me or even say sexual things to me offline, it is ok as i dont think i have the type of brain to be bothered about that, well not anymore anyway i use to when i was young, like how i look and who i am, the only person who mentally or and physically hurts me is my self now, no one else and no obv no female comes to me given me there number, tbh i thin i am happy about that as i am mentally unstable, i would prefer people to go to non mentally unstable people, if they are attracted to them if they just want to be sexual with them or want a relationship with them, to me it is best to go with a mentally stable person.
This reply was modified 7 years, 2 months ago by JUSTNOTHING.
I’ll abb to stop laughing so much. Think i’ll have a drink of rib ina…..LOL…while i’m on this currant thread……….don’t drag me down cause i’m raisin you up….LMAO
Pixie, since apparently you are a femminist, do you think this is objectification of men? Regardless, is objectification of men a bad thing? If no, then why is objectification of women bad?