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  • #11043

    How to define which is a fruit and which is a vegetable
    I didnt till I started googling about Creamola (don’t ask)
    A fruit has seeds
    a vegetable doesn’t
    and any smart ar ses who say *Didn’t you know that, you stupid cow. a big V

    So a cucumber is a vegetable :shock:


    Geoff has plenty of seeds that have never bore fruit. Is he a vegetable?


    If it wasn’t for the fact that Geoff has never done anything other than be nice to me, my immediate reply would have been
    No, he’s a cabbage

    Can’t you substitute his name with someone who is thick please


    This morning I got up at 7am.
    For those who think Ive spent all morning here…
    I’ve completed a pile of ironing
    washed kitchen floor
    prepared kids tea (I’m working 1pm till 6pm)
    discussed facebook with two workmen laying a floor next door
    hoovered up
    counted each individual dead fly in kitchen
    dried out 3 toilet rolls from flooded downstairs toilet
    had 20 cups of tea and 1 cappuccino
    brought in washing and folded it into individual piles
    emptied dishwasher
    Listened to Live at Malmo (signed copy)
    picked up dead fly from bathroom floor and fed Sven the fly trap
    Opened and read mail (including one from Post Office who very kindly posted back to me the prescription my daughter absent mindedly posted to them instead of having it filled in at Boots)

    Damn, I’ve forgotten to eat
    Will pick up 4 fresh cream chocolate eclairs on way to work


    Fascinating stuff Diane 8)

    Oh, and isn’t there widespread confusion as to the whole fruit or veg gig regarding the humble Tomato? :roll:
    Or is that just me being a plank? :-s


    today i
    got woken by my grandkids fighting.
    a neighbour hammering on my door asking if i had lost a kitten(no mine were asleep in the fruitbowl)
    my littleun aving a tantrum cos i sed he had to visit his grandma instead of goin fishing with his mates.
    after much door slamming and more tantrums(and that was just me)………my g/daughter asked why i wrote wit a different hand to her. i then demonstrated my mirror writing for her which aparently only left handed people can do….she was riveted fa all off 5 minutes as i wrote out sayings which she then had to hold up to mirror to read.
    decided to half heartedly tidy up then gave up an ad another cuppa as grandkids row escalated around me.
    set off to visit my mum……..had an hilarious hhour with her as kids sat an watched bemused.
    my mums new bessy mate loves me…..i learned her how to give the finger to the nursing staff.
    got back and its pissin down. sent mr pats to town fa food while i watched BB i taped last night. sorted another row and let kids go out to play……..warned them if they catch newmonia not to come running to me.
    i might go and do some housework now……………….then agen i might not.


    So,.. Is a chilli a fruit? :D


    I thought vegtables grow underground and fruit grow above the ground?


    I’ll go and ask my fruit and veg psychology lecturer..


    @sharongooner wrote:

    I thought vegtables grow underground and fruit grow above the ground?

    cabbage lettuce cauli sprouts are fruits then ?

    a fruit contains seeds and is developed from the ovary

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