well in this day and age … Mary would be class’d as slapper eh, child by another being… would make jesus a barsteward, she would of comminted a form of adultry, plus u have the holy ghost, poor Joseph i say, but who had the donkey…??? a Virgin Mary lol sorr but if she was married to Jose didnt she give him his material rights…?? very confussin the bible… i say..
so a Scot killed Jesus eh, that why there’s the church of England and Church of Scotland whats the difference…??
Mary would have not commited adultery as she was not married at the time of Jesus’ conception. When suspicion arroused that Mary had been unfaithful to Joseph, that is when Mary and Joseph became engaged to be married. Whether they got married before or after Jesus’ birth differs from one testament to another.
so is was even worst..!! she duped the guy into thinkin it was his child..!! wheres’ the morals there….!!
I allway’s thought jesus was Polish and went to the holy land to be a chippy :? and all the scots turned everything into Wine and spent all day drunk singing “allways ook on the bright side of life” or am i getting my wires crossed :?:
Pontius Pilate’s origins arent really known though Scottish is one location put forward
Strictly speaking he merely washed his hands of it and let the people decide