Boards Index › General discussion › Getting serious › Did thermite bring the towers down?
19 September, 2006 at 9:57 am #241703
@forumhostpb wrote:
@drivel wrote:
Jim Marrs is probably the biggest conspiracy theorist there is or ever wil be , along with Michael Moore he shoudl be removed from the USA to a floating CIA prison somewhere never to return
I still can’t understand how anyone can give any credence to these thories – well Emma apart that is , she probably thinks Bugs Bunny is real
Bugs Bunny IS real ffs !!! Just ask anybody and they will tell you.
Sorry I forgot I was amongst JC’rs
19 September, 2006 at 11:14 am #241704@geoff wrote:
You know, I’ve got to the point where there is nothing left to say about 9/11 or the lies for the invasion of Iraq. Even though PB is a good friend of mine I find it rather insulting and irritating how he uses sarcasm to get his point across, when I know he is an intelligent man.
JC is a poorly visited commercial website. PB insults you so you come back.
Wake up folks – September, 2006 at 1:27 pm #241705@emmalush wrote:
The same bloke, less boring. September, 2006 at 1:59 pm #241706
Im wondering why anyone would believe bush and the us government with anything.
19 September, 2006 at 2:09 pm #241707
Remember, hitler firebomed a building and blamed the “enemy” so he could a wage war.
If we are SO under attack, some REALLY evil people wana murder us, WHY dont they do so more often, why dont they blow up the thames above the underground, bank of England.
Take a closer look at what is going on folks, pay a little more attention to what your employEES (government, police service etc) are forcing on you and less time watching coronation street.
19 September, 2006 at 2:10 pm #241708Just for the fools on this site.
If you tell a lie to the world, there’s always going to be a small group of people who believe it.
Ask yourselves this question, what is the truth? What is the truth?
Who do you trust? Can you trust anything you see or hear?
Learn one thing about all these people who maker up this storeys about the twin towers, they all have a history of bad metal health or drugs.
There always low skilled or under achievers.
This anyone can prove with records, and there own statements.
So why do they do it?
Attention seeking of the worst kind.
19 September, 2006 at 2:15 pm #241709@forumhostpb wrote:
If you read the commentary beside the video to the WTC collapsing (Emma’s second one) it’s really clear that the Freemasons were responsible for the Thermite and for this tragedy.
This is proved by the audio in which a mason can clearly be heard to say over and over again “Oh my God … Oh my God” which is a secret Masonic recognition phrase used by masons worldwide when they find themselves in extreme circumstances.
Small quantities of Thermite are frequently used in Masonic ceremonies, particularly in the Ceremony of Sealing, when the Candidate is made to contemplate the heat and light of the Almighty Controller of the Universe and to emphasise the consequences to him personally if he reveals the secrets entrusted to him. The Thermite is lit in a special container on the altar and the Candidate is forced to look deep into its fire and then take his vows of secrecy.
There is no doubt that a secret Masonic ceremony was taking place inside the WTC that day and the impact of the aircraft set off the stored thermite. Without the Masons being there this tragedy wouldn’t have happened the way it did.
Did you know that both George Bush AND Bill Clinton are Freemasons? Could they have had anything to do with this???
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again….JC is an education and if it wasn’t for the knowledge of PB and like minded members, I would remain just a thick hairdressing, indian head massaging single parent ….Thank You all for the knowledge you impart :oops: :wink: :P
19 September, 2006 at 5:05 pm #241710It’s no wonder that these conspiracy theories are allowed to fester. The US recieves dozens of warnings of upcoming attacks, and yet ignores them. Theyre never discussed at any level of the US Government. We’ve got a multi billion dollar state of the art air-defence and Radar system make to look like a commodore 64. The hijacked planes prance through North American Air Defence’s for hours (some of the most protected territory in the world) unchallenged.
The Terrorists could have had a three course meal with mints and coffee, and they would still would have remained unchallenged, because the planes had been sent out to sea, in the opposite direction from where the hijacked planes were. At worst it’s the biggest screw up in history.
In the first nine months of 2001 the US Airforce scrambled Jets 67 times for varying threats.
The Twin Towers were a crime scene. They’re also the first steel building’s in the history of the world to collapse because of fire. Surely there was gonna be a long investigation of it’s debris to find out exactly what went wrong, and if theres any evidence present? Nope, the steel get’s deported to China within a few days, and melted down. Totally unsuspicous behaviour.
Then the 9/11 Commision. It’s a total screw up. Far worse than the Warren Commision. Bush intially gives it 3 million dollars, raising to 15 million (30 million given to Clintons impeshment)
He fills the commision with old buddies, and no question’s are really answered. No heads roll. No one is held accountable. Unbelievable after the negligance that’s been shown. What an unbelivable insult to the victims families. He may as well have pi.ssed on their graves.The events of 9/11 are used to launch the Patriot Act, and Homeland Security Bill which confine the American Constitution to the dustbin. Warentless searches without probable cause are now allowed in people’s homes. People’s Telephone, and internet communications can now be monitered without them knowing it. Americans had their freedom and privacy signed away, possibly for 50-100 years, or possibly forever, and most of them probably dont even know it was done.
It’s also used to promote an illegal invasion of Iraq based on outright lies and mass manipulation of the people. For this alone Bush should be impeached. What isnt in doubt is that the US now has control of a region that has 60 percent of the remaining Oil left on the Planet. Sceptics would say that was their aim all along, but that would be paranoia wouldent it?
:wink:“The people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy… All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked… and denounce the peacemakers for lack of patrotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country.
…Nazi Reich Marshall Herman Goering at the Nurembueg War Trials.19 September, 2006 at 8:23 pm #241711@emmalush wrote:
Remember, hitler firebomed a building and blamed the “enemy” so he could a wage war.
If we are SO under attack, some REALLY evil people wana murder us, WHY dont they do so more often, why dont they blow up the thames above the underground, bank of England.
Take a closer look at what is going on folks, pay a little more attention to what your employEES (government, police service etc) are forcing on you and less time watching coronation street.
This isnt the 1st instance of that. As far back as 1898 an explosion onboard the USS Maine killed 250 people, and was used to start the Spanish-American War. US Newspapers blamed the Spanish,even though there was no evidence and this turned public opinion for the war.
Before America’s entry into WW2 Roosevelt had intellegence that Pearl Harbour was a potential target for the Japanese, yet no action was taken to prevent it.
The Tonkin Gulf incident instigated the Vietnam War. America claimed their destroyers had been fired upon by the North Vietnamese. The problem was there was no attack, but it roused public opinion, and allowed the US to retaliate.
As recently as the 1st Gulf War these tactics were also used. US Public Opinion was split 50-50 on going to war with Iraq. That changed when a Kuwati “Nurse” who wanted anonimity testified before Congress that Iraqi’s military were taking babies from incubators, and leaving them to die. This roused public opinion. It turned out later she wasnt a Nurse, but the Kuwati Ambassadors Daughter.
Also there was American Reconnassance that showed thousands of Iraqi troops and hundreds of tanks gathering on the Saudi border getting ready to attack. A Soviet Reconnaissance at the same time on the same day showed nothing but sand.Im not just having a go at the American’s. These are just the ones Im farmilar with. Most countries probably use these tactics. They probably think theyre doing the best thing for their citizens, and the Country.
The public can be manipulated easily. We’ll fall for it every time, and we fell for it again with all the nonesense that was spun out to invade Iraq.19 September, 2006 at 9:21 pm #241712@sweetasbaileez wrote:
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again….JC is an education and if it wasn’t for the knowledge of PB and like minded members, I would remain just a thick hairdressing, indian head massaging single parent ….Thank You all for the knowledge you impart :oops: :wink: :P
Oi …. do you mind ???? I do the sarcasm around here !!! :wink:
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