Boards Index Chat rooms – the forum communities Chat forum three boards DID THE BOARDS GET A BIT NICER OF LATE

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  • #15934

    we had a bit of sniping
    few sarcy comments
    but generally not much grief
    is it because its christmas
    or maybe its because certain people havent been on the boards :wink:


    Real life took over I think!


    I would like to think it is a new trend and things will stay this way, but I suspect it’s simply cos it’s Christmas and people have spent time in real life and that normal service will be resumed in the New year. :?


    :lol: @normal services being resumed :lol:


    even annette has been restrained
    sort of
    well sort of sort of


    Well in my Opinion I think its time you beg Cosy to come back Thin.

    I mean we know deep down you miss him terribly, thats why you pay those little visits to Pats Chat to see how he’s getting on.

    So come on Jc its 2011 a New Year let bygones be bygones lol


    @emmaree wrote:

    Well in my Opinion I think its time you beg Cosy to come back Thin.

    I mean we know deep down you miss him terribly, thats why you pay those little visits to Pats Chat to see how he’s getting on.

    So come on Jc its 2011 a New Year let bygones be bygones lol


    i think you will find ats chat has some one much more interesting than cosy :wink:


    @thin ice wrote:

    even annette has been restrained
    sort of
    well sort of sort of

    Maybe she has been busy living in the real world, instead of wondering who is, and who isn’t in a chatroom :roll:

    You should try it sometime ‘ Luv’ :wink:


    @annette-curtain wrote:

    @thin ice wrote:

    even annette has been restrained
    sort of
    well sort of sort of

    Maybe she has been busy living in the real world, instead of wondering who is, and who isn’t in a chatroom :roll:

    You should try it sometime ‘ Luv’ :wink:

    oh you mean you been putting your old man to bed early so you can screw your boy friend :lol:


    @thin ice wrote:

    @annette-curtain wrote:

    @thin ice wrote:

    even annette has been restrained
    sort of
    well sort of sort of

    Maybe she has been busy living in the real world, instead of wondering who is, and who isn’t in a chatroom :roll:

    You should try it sometime ‘ Luv’ :wink:

    oh you mean you been putting your old man to bed early so you can screw your boy friend :lol:

    Typical of you Thin .. when backed into a corner – Insult . How childish! :lol:

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