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  • #2980

    get one of these ???

    Subject: hi
    Do you like chatting and making friends at forums / messageboard sites? Please visit and register at

    Stormychat is an online forum community site where you can chat and make friends in the forums, play games, read jokes, send ecards and more. If chatting and making friends at forums/messageboard sites is your thing then Stormychat could be for you. We are a friendly welcoming forum community and always welcome new members to our forums and have members interests at heart. It would be much appreciated if you join us. So far theres a small friendly group of us in the forums, and we are looking to expand. There are many differant topics of forums including general chat, games, jokes, animals, poetry and more. I will look forward to seeing you on the site and dont forget to tell your friends.

    Also check out the stormychat main website for games, jokes, members gallery and more additional service at


    No, Ugo, we arranged for it to be sent it to you on the offchance you would take the fecking hint and apply! :wink:




    They need more members still then obviously. But i am being watched so i had better be careful what i write. Whenever i write something to do with their site i get a snotty PM saying *im telling the teacher of you* la la la! :roll:

    Screw you if you are watching. :evil:

    P.s i am lovely really. :D


    Is stormy chat a rival forum then?


    dunno jayne , :roll:
    we get lots nippin in here advertizing sites , :?
    think they wanna abduct us cos we are all so luvly :D :D


    Oh Dear, poachers and stalkers everywhere these days :roll:


    I feel positevly left out – I’ve always wanted a stalker but never had one :lol: :lol:


    @jayne wrote:

    Is stormy chat a rival forum then?

    They are another gathering, people who use the network of chat forums that have decided to make up their own boards. Problem is, everyone is making up their own and its diluting the users we have already. Each site is exactly the same as the next, so its no wonder they are desperate for users.


    @rainbowbrite wrote:

    P.s i am lovely really. :D

    I remember that.

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