I’ve posted here ‘cos I’ve never had my name in lights
and it probably won’t happen again :D
When you have low self esteem you tend to look up to those you percieve as being more intelligent and listen to what they are saying.
When your confidence grows, as mine has these last few months, suddenly you realise that no one is better than you, just your equal.
People can tell others ‘ you are witty, intelligent, clever, attractive etc etc’
but try telling an anorexic she is thin!
No matter how many times we are told
its only when we have fought our own personal demons and won
that we can listen and believe in ourselves
and suddenly agree with what family and true friends have been telling us all along.
I like posting on these boards
I like the people (mostly) who post here
I have even started to like PB :?
(besides, where else could I ramble on :wink: )
serious side over
What can I start a thread about next :twisted: )