what got me was, the girl said she wanted it done because her sister had told everyone she had a hanging ham – what a bit.ch!!
having it done is one thing, but fancy going on tv, where correct me if im wrong, but wont all of those people who were told she had a hanging ham be watching and thinking “you know what, her sister was right!”
oh the humiliation of her sitting there legs akimbo covered in a blue sheet with just a hole cut big enough for her lips to hang out ffs! looked so painful…and when he cut it off, why the fook did he stretch and play with it??!!
if that wasnt bad enough she was then seen staggering about naked from the waist down, bald as a coot, her fa.nny dripping with blood, while a camera crew and her best mate stood and gawped – what a fooking sight.
If she wasnt picked on enough before, she will be now.