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  • #1008405

    And please don’t give me that old chestnut that there are no guides in at the time, as both you and I know THAT IS NOT TRUE !!!


    Oh really ? Then why is it that site rules are broken continuously in the chatrooms, yet no one does anything about it?


    UNWRITTEN RULE OF JC ….. What happens in the rooms stays there or not in some cases!!


    Bloss I think the supermoon must be getting to you fgs ….


    Begs the question though if you opinion of JC is so high why do you contnue to use it? Just asking like :scratch:


    Oh, so now we’re back to the MAFIA again…unwritten rules.

    No supermoon here, just getting stuff off my chest that’s been there far too long.

    Seems you don’t see how undemocratic/silly you’re starting to look Arc, just sayin’.


    Hi Bloss…..unfortunately it’s  personal perception to how things are received here and the room…..wether anyone admits it or not….lots can probably see where you are coming from ….maybe not put it in the way you did…again personal perception…personal experiences with the author depends on the responses you will get…

    its brings up the same thing over and over again though…..” I can voice my opinion just like you “….which actually means in a lot of cases…..I’ve read what you wrote…I’ll take the moral high ground then in turn shout I can also give my opinion like you do…..and dismiss your opinion by belittling what you’ve just typed…and so it goes on…..and on….

    good job we live in a democracy though….imagine what it would be like if we didn’t lol

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    Me looking silly …… Now that is funny.

    Dunno what your problem is with me right now Bloss but whatever it is get over it please.

    Mafia ??  Get over yerself – I follow no body – I talk to whom I like & if that offends you TOUGH !!!

    Seems everyone is allowed an opinion except me … If I type anything I’m a biatch.

    Whatever :good:



    Arc, you’re entitled to type whatever you like.
    I have absolutely no problem with you;I’m just replying to your posts and basically speaking my mind.

    Think you’re not grasping the meaning of the word MAFIA.


    Thanks for your input Kenty.


    I would like to announcy my campaign for the 2016 JustChat presidency.

    Make chat great again!

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    I would like to announcy my campaign for the 2016 JustChat presidency. Make chat great again!

    Can you make it 2017? Give you a chance to get the festivities out of the way before you start the campaign trail. :yes:


    Rape compared to trolling in the chat room ? And who are you reporting it to ? Me ? I couldn’t care less I don’t go in the rooms for that very reason. I’m not saying you shouldn’t care but no one else does unless they’re trolls themselves.

    You can always PM Martin and report it

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