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25 March, 2008 at 10:12 am #319172
i am from yorkshire and very proud to be so. the estate that shannon lives on is mainly home to dss dossers and single mums. this is the society of chavs and dole scum that this government openly encourege. they pay them enough to live and they do nothing to encourage them into work. thats why we have thousands of foreign folk coming here and living ten to a house.. they pay little or no tax, and ten can easily afford the rent on a two bed semi. believe me my dutch friend we are not all like that. and i can assure you these people are an embarrassment to the whole country not just yorkshire. having said that im glad shannon was found alive and aparrently unharmed. there are several reason that we pay through the nose in taxes. and the most expensve cost in out council tax is the cost of paying government pensions to their faithful pen pushers, who are given good jobs. and very generous pensions. [paid for by us the tax payer who work.] the manchester police chief who sadly took his life two weeks ago had, three houses here in england and a fourth in spain…… why ???? what sort of exorbitant pay scale was he on, when a foot bobby is earning 40k after shift allowances and bonuses. the problem is the more these people earn the further detatched from real life. and so, the rich get richer and the poor stay poor. there is no incentive for people to get off their bums and go to work, because they can sometimes be better off staying at home.
25 March, 2008 at 12:05 pm #319173@fastcars wrote:
The rate of income tax in Holland is 42%. That isnt for high earners. Thats what Joe average pays. Thats almost double what you lot pay isnt it?
The public transport infrastructure here is second to none.
There is no such thing as a NHS system. Why? Because it simply doesnt work.
Hospital waiting lists. What are they?
There are schools a plenty, and not run as they are in the UK with all kids, no matter how intelligent or dumb they are, thrown into the same school. Kids are put into schools that are suited to their ability’s. (I think you are trying out a similair stystem over there with so called “special” schools. Except here the system has been up and running for years and is a normal part of school education “all” over the country and not just in certain citys).
The bottom line is. If you want top quality services you have to pay for them. Goverments can be voted out of power in England at the mere threat of raising income taxes by as little as 1p in the pound. The whole country would be up in arms at the thought of such a thing. Thats why you get stealth taxes. Because you all moan about the state your country is in but when asked to pay something towards putting it right the answer is a resounding NO!Have to agree with Fast on this one
This country is materialistic beyond belief but ask them to pay more in tax to properly fund healthcare, transport, education, law and order etc and everyone is up in arms and suddenly whinging
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