Boards Index › General discussion › Getting serious › Deepfakes – The good and the bad
7 February, 2018 at 6:42 pm #1087306
This new technology is getting a lot of press attention at the moment, it’s like something out of Black Mirror. Reddit has their own sub-reddit dedicated to it (for now), though adult sites and social networks have a complete ban on it, and celebrities are not liking it one bit.
Basically through machine learning and a free app, you can pretty much put anyone’s face on to another face in a video, as long as you have an inventory of photos of them. Already lots of porn videos are surfacing with the faces of popular actresses and sports personalities.
Even though the technology is in the early stages and by no means perfected, I can see the future having things such as watching a movie where you and your friends are the featured cast in it, or when you order a movie you can choose what actors you wish to play, and for what role, particularly useful if you do not like the original actor.
Other uses could include old abandoned shows coming back but having the original cast as if nothing at all had changed. Or if on a current show perhaps someone in the main cast had died, they could still pretty much feature in the show (if they agreed through contract, or whatever), perhaps pretty weird for the family, but cela vi.
I’ve watched a few of the clips and I must say had I not known it was a deepfake, they are very convincing, particularly when using body doubles.
On a plus side for celebrities, if a sex tape ever gets leaked they can always say it was a deepfake :)
7 February, 2018 at 7:36 pm #1087309god i bet that tech will be used by corrupted people, they cud edit cctv evidence, and put some other person in the prison.
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7 February, 2018 at 7:45 pm #1087311Indeed JN, it could be used for a lot of fake things in the future. Hopefully it gets used for good, rather than bad. There have been cases in the past of doctored videos doing the rounds, I think there was one occasion when it was used against a German politician, and that was a few years ago, not even using this technology, so manipulation through video is no new thing. Imagine a fake video of Trump, and something said bad towards Russia, I think we are a long way away from that, but will we know what is real and what is not in the future :)
god i bet that tech will be used by corrupted people, they cud edit cctv evidence, and put some other person in the prison.
9 February, 2018 at 5:44 am #1087421As per predicted, the sub-reddit has been taken down. Reason: Involuntary Pornography.
9 February, 2018 at 9:51 am #1087422Indeed JN, it could be used for a lot of fake things in the future. Hopefully it gets used for good, rather than bad.
Good luck with that.
Imagine a fake video of Trump, and something said bad towards Russia,
With that guy, it would be impossible to tell whether it was fake or real.
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9 February, 2018 at 10:00 am #1087423Interesting technology King. It’s not exactly a new concept though is it, governments etc have been using body doubles etc and fake news and propaganda for hundreds, if not thousands of years to manipulate the general public and to disguise the real truth. Targeted Facebook type tech is already suspected of playing a part in elections. Like JN said, corrupt states and individuals will definitely use this new tech to target dissidents and innocent people. It’s not a matter of when, it’s how soon.
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9 February, 2018 at 10:17 am #1087424Indeed JN, it could be used for a lot of fake things in the future. Hopefully it gets used for good, rather than bad.
Good luck with that.
Imagine a fake video of Trump, and something said bad towards Russia,
With that guy, it would be impossible to tell whether it was fake or real.
LOL, that was funny :)
9 February, 2018 at 10:20 am #1087425It’s new in the sense that Joe Bloggs can now put Emma Watson’s face in a video if they wish to do so, that’s never been possible before.
Interesting technology King. It’s not exactly a new concept though is it, governments etc have been using body doubles etc and fake news and propaganda for hundreds, if not thousands of years to manipulate the general public and to disguise the real truth. Targeted Facebook type tech is already suspected of playing a part in elections. Like JN said, corrupt states and individuals will definitely use this new tech to target dissidents and innocent people. It’s not a matter of when, it’s how soon.
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