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28 July, 2019 at 2:41 pm #1119308
Lol moosey, I actually credited you with more brain cells. Literally I thought you just got sucked in because you were friends with her,turns out,nope!clearly I was wrong and you’re beyond help if you’re swallowing more bs than air. Our conversation is ended.
We weren’t having a conversation luv, and friends or not friends my opinion is a stand alone opinion . You are entirely at liberty to think I am thick, as I am entirely at liberty to think you are an attention seeking loud mouth who is under the misguided impression they are somehow interesting .
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28 July, 2019 at 2:43 pm #1119310No mooose never gets things wrong, take it from me.
I pray to god she has never been selected to do jury service.
Never shit stirs or name drops.
Never pokes her nose in other people relationships.
Just the type you would want as a friend.
All around nice egg.
I think mooose should have a long hard look at her curtain twitching antics.
Christ the irony here !!
Hows that chip coming along ?
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28 July, 2019 at 2:47 pm #1119311Someone mention chips
28 July, 2019 at 2:49 pm #1119312I’m at a complete loss here 🤔
pmsl. He still thinks I’m ‘ bLonde ‘ lol. Wrong person AGAIN joker ! Tracy told you once you idiot lolol !!! Is it dementia Joker ??? Hahaha
I have never told JOKER you were NOT Blonde. Only thing I have told you about Joker is ‘ it was him abusing you NOT me !
Unless you meant ‘ That other Tracy ‘ if so I apologise 😃
Tracy, it may have been in the room ?
Someone was having a go at me and mentioned my son being Mr Bolton ? You said no that was BLondes son ? For those jumping on the bandwagon here like Milky, I’m talking about BLonde the chatter not my hair colour !! Doh !! That’s why I spelt it BLonde with a cap L as she did ? So I’m presuming Joker got mixed up, tho as you said Tracy unlikely he would , or someone has been given duff info and presumably duff pics too !! Ah well, ce la vie !!
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28 July, 2019 at 3:02 pm #1119316Pictures will be posted in due course, as we are having computer difficulties, sorry for any inconvenience.
So as a token of my generosity for this misfortunate delay in circumstances, I have decided to buy mooosey and mr q front row tickets for the next showing of Lindarella, at milkos local salvation army where him and cosy dine like kings.
pssss…… and share their cider with other lonely fruitcakes and bell cheeses
28 July, 2019 at 4:06 pm #1119336Poor thing has my pity , its shit being old and unsure of things. :) Waiting for proof er mooo hahaha the old clown is simply dragging it out. Doesn’t he know younger clowns have moved in on his turf haha
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28 July, 2019 at 4:09 pm #1119340Why pitty someone who pisses on a woman soph?
28 July, 2019 at 4:19 pm #1119343Somer, i was being facetious. I can’t stand the scumbag ! as far as im concerned he’s a laughing stock who makes me cringe. Ever wondered why smart woman attract narcissistic men? He needs someone to constantly stroke his fragile ego. He needs an empathetic women to attend to his child-like needs. And one of his finest skills of this scumbag practiced narcissist whatever his insecurities (we all have some), he will fully exploit them to his gain.
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28 July, 2019 at 4:30 pm #111934728 July, 2019 at 4:35 pm #1119350 -
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