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  • #202430

    Well I held my nerve, and held on to find 200,000 in my box. 8)


    I f..king hate Noel Edmonds. I hate that f..king programme. I won’t play that f..king game.


    @*Peco wrote:

    I f..king hate Noel Edmonds. I hate that f..king programme. I won’t play that f..king game.

    You should see the c*ckhead who hosts the aussies version :roll: f*cking annoying pr*ck! I also refuse to watch it 8)


    i won sod all the banker offered me nowt and i took it


    didnt deal took me case right to the end… got $200,000. whooppeeee lol

    here i love the tv show… the guy yesterday took the deal at £75,000. with a £1 left and £250,000.00 last 2 boxes… he took the offer and £250,000. was in his box… mind ya £75,000 a lot of real money…


    lol yeah i would prob of done it as well…

    here if i was on the game show, i think i would certainly take the bankers offer seriously as at the end of the day that is Guarnetted cash… the other numbers just on a screen….

    here i just did the game again held my nerve til end again and got $100,000. if only it was real… lol


    lol well i wudnae go that far… anything over £10,000 wud make a difference to oor lives… aint a greedy fuker lol ohhh roll over lottery …. i should just burn the money as i never win lol its only chasin money… money only goes to money lol yeah u lot know who u r lol


    this bleedin game is addictive lol i should learn to take the big offers… greedt tight Scot that i am always goes to the bare wire…. last box standin lol


    Love that programme 8) 8)

    I never used to like Noel much but I do now


    @emmalush wrote:

    Just click play.

    I was offered 253k with only 10k and 1 mill left, and of course i blew it and ended up with 10k, oh well

    My pc does not like this link. :?

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