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  • #84463





    military 2 step


    Phew at long last someone got it well done Chess polka is the correct answer, sorry Rossy Chess beat you by 1 minute

    Question 5 is:

    Which Derbyshire town gives it’s name to a tart?


    Bakewell Tart


    Bakewell is the correct answer well done Chess

    Question 6 is:

    Which drink is known as Eau-de-Vie?


    fruit brandy :?: :?:


    I have brandy as the answer and because I dont know wether it is fruit brandy or not I am going to give points to both Chess and Ruby well done

    Question 7 is:

    Which drug is derived from the willow, Salix Alba?

    I may be while in replying because I am away at the moment but should be back either Sunday or Monday so please be patient.


    Holly !!!!!!


    Ignore that wrong post pml xxxxxxxxx

    Will get the hang of this ………

Viewing 10 posts - 2,541 through 2,550 (of 2,700 total)

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