Here are the scores for the last quiz.
6th Place –Tempty, Pete, Cath, Tiggy, Chess, Merc and Fastcars with 10 Points
5th Place – Poet with 15 Points
4th Place – Dawny with 20 Points
3rd Place –Wilma and Dolflip with 40 Points
2nd Place – Angel and Ruby Red with 60 Points
1st Place – Lamby with 95 Points
Open the champagne, set off the fireworks drum roll please here are the prizes:-
6th Place –Tempty, Pete, Cath, Tiggy, Chess, Merc and Fastcars you have won a bottle of whiskey
5th Place – Poet you have won your own car mechanic for a year
4th Place – Dawny you have won diamond necklace
3rd Place –Wilma and Dolflip you have won quad bike
2nd Place – Angel and Ruby Red you have won a new stereo system
1st Place – Lamby you have won a new high definition plasma TV
Be back later with another quiz