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  • #84023

    “Who killed Cock Robin?” “I,” said the Sparrow,
    “With my bow and arrow, I killed Cock Robin.”



    Coc.k Robin is the correct answer – well done Merc and welcome to the quiz

    Question 19 is:-

    Where did Napoleon suffer his final defeat?




    Waterloo is the correct answer well done Angel

    Question 20 is:-

    Who lived at 221B Baker Street?


    Sherlock Holmes?


    Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson?


    Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson.

    While there really is a Baker Street, there was no 221 Baker Street during the years of the Sherlock Holmes stories. Baker Street was very short, less than a mile long. The street ran north to south with numbered addresses ranging from 1 to 85. In 1930 some of the surrounding streets were renamed, buildings were renumbered and Baker Street became much longer. At that point 221 Baker Street was a real address.

    Soon after this the building at 221 Baker Street was demolished. A new structure, Abbey House, took its place. Abbey House served as the head office for the Abbey Road Building Society from 1932 until 2002. Today the building is still one of the London offices of Abbey. 8)


    Em mercy.. that was just a wee step too far


    I’m after Bonus points Wilma :lol:


    Sherlock Holmes is the correct answer well done wilma

    No need to go into that much detail merc but I will give you 5 for effort seeing as you need all the points you can get.

    I will be back later today with the results and prizes

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