Here are the scores for the last quiz.
6th Place – Lou Lou, Tempty, BM, Cymorill with 10 Points
5th Place – Lamby with 15 Points
4th Place – Rainbowbrite and Fastcars with 20 Points
3rd Place – Poet with 30 Points
2nd Place – Wilma with 35 Points
1st Place – Angel with 60 Points
Open the champagne, set off the fireworks drum roll please here are the prizes:-
6th Place – Lou Lou, Tempty, BM, Cymorill you have won vouchers for the local garden centre
5th Place – Lamby you have won a bouquet of flowers
4th Place – Rainbowbrite and Fastcars you have won half a dozen bottles of wine
3rd Place – Poet you have won a trip to the silverstone grand prix
2nd Place – Wilma you have won your own private plane so you can make use of your lessons
1st Place – Angel you have won a dash round your local supermarket grabbing all that you can in ten minutes