Here are the scores for the last quiz.
5th place – Vixen with 5 Points
4th Place – Sian, Will Power, Catmanmblue and Temptress with 10 Points
3rd Place – Pats, Dawny and Ana with 20 Points
2nd Place – Poshy with 30 Points
1st Place – Angelbabe with 50 Points
Open the champagne, set off the fireworks drum roll please here are the prizes:-
5th place – Vixen you have won a bouquet of flowers
4th Place – Sian, Will Power, Catmanmblue and Temptress you have won a new American style fridge to keep all your goodies in
3rd Place – Pats, Dawny and Ana you have won a new mobile phone
2nd Place – Poshy you have won 9 carat gold, and emerald pendant
1st Place – Angelbabe you have won a new laptop computer