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  • #82943

    I am lost, as usual….ahem! Do you have quizes here also??? LOL

    Guess where this bear lives??? LOL LOL

    Cya’s laters, byes for now Mala 8) OR Guess where this picture was taken?? LOL LOL :D
    PS: PP1, how do I get color on my font for the message boards???? DO TELL…..LOL TY TY


    Yes I do run quizzes on here Mala, and if you want colour on your font just click on the arrow next to the default box and choose a colour


    Here are the scores for the last quiz.

    5th place – Vixen with 5 Points
    4th Place – Sian, Will Power, Catmanmblue and Temptress with 10 Points
    3rd Place – Pats, Dawny and Ana with 20 Points
    2nd Place – Poshy with 30 Points
    1st Place – Angelbabe with 50 Points

    Open the champagne, set off the fireworks drum roll please here are the prizes:-

    5th place – Vixen you have won a bouquet of flowers

    4th Place – Sian, Will Power, Catmanmblue and Temptress you have won a new American style fridge to keep all your goodies in

    3rd Place – Pats, Dawny and Ana you have won a new mobile phone

    2nd Place – Poshy you have won 9 carat gold, and emerald pendant

    1st Place – Angelbabe you have won a new laptop computer


    owww a phone that takes piccy’s, thanks PP, :D


    The next quiz will start on Sunday and will be imntermittent I am afraid cos I am on holiday from work


    wow ty PP1
    just what i always wanted
    now i can write my poetry in bed :D

    look forward to next one


    Don’t I get anything? I got one question right too :cry: :lol:


    Volksie that was the previous quiz – of you look you did get a prize


    I can’t see sh*t :shock: Sorry I spoke :roll:


    @PP1 wrote:

    Here are the scores for the last quiz.

    5th place – Vixen with 5 Points
    4th Place – Sian, Will Power, Catmanmblue and Temptress with 10 Points
    3rd Place – Pats, Dawny and Ana with 20 Points
    2nd Place – Poshy with 30 Points
    1st Place – Angelbabe with 50 Points

    Open the champagne, set off the fireworks drum roll please here are the prizes:-

    5th place – Vixen you have won a bouquet of flowers

    4th Place – Sian, Will Power, Catmanmblue and Temptress you have won a new American style fridge to keep all your goodies in

    3rd Place – Pats, Dawny and Ana you have won a new mobile phone

    2nd Place – Poshy you have won 9 carat gold, and emerald pendant

    1st Place – Angelbabe you have won a new laptop computer

    wooooooohoooooooooooo ty PP1
    i needed a new phone, cos this un i got now is s h i t

Viewing 10 posts - 1,021 through 1,030 (of 2,700 total)

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