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  • #247668

    You didn’t expect me to disclose their address did you? That would have been against the rules which I agreed to abide with and then I’d really be in trouble.

    If you need a closer location for the Bobbit-Downe’s you could try Cromwell Road, Gloucester I understand they had some friends there. :wink:


    :D :D :D :D :D i like you langsrtaat!!!!! :wink: :wink:


    “At last a friend” Langstraat joyfully exclaimed.


    You are defined by your good taste, you’re just the type I’d like in my lifeboat and that a fact.


    i dont have the patience for diy


    @langstraat wrote:

    “At last a friend” Langstraat joyfully exclaimed.


    You are defined by your good taste, you’re just the type I’d like in my lifeboat and that a fact.

    :shock: long as it aint a d.i.y. lifeboat! :wink:




    @langstraat wrote:


    An alternative moral could be:

    Operate within your capabilities. see the ref. “Bit off more than I could chew”

    There are companies out there that will take a responsible attitude and understand that self assembly products will sometimes be beyond the scope of all users and accept that sometimes the end result will not be as expected; whether it’s an ability problem or in my circumstances an accident. The assembly instructions failed to state that the carcass should be secured to a rigid wall before the doors were hung. It was only after they were in place that the danger was evident. I am sure their instruction sheet is being corrected as I type.
    The fact that no one was injured is fortunate. A pair of mirrored doors could do serious damage.
    If IKEA had not been so understanding then my credit card company would have reimbursed the value of the wardrobe ( boy id of tried and got my money back from them as well lol )
    The tale was written to add a little humour to what was a serious incident and placed in the section of the forum for such items.



    @langstraat wrote:

    I’m sure you’ve all a tale to tell about this topic; let me tell you about my latest:

    I’ve had some time off to help my daughter and boyfriend move into their first house. It’s an end Terrace almost 100 years old with high ceiling etc. I bought them a bedroom suite, they choose it from IKEA and although not to my taste they were very happy with it. I went round to help ‘Nig’ assemble it. Two wardrobes and two chest of drawers. When they were placed against the wall there was a larger gap at the top than the bottom but by using the levelling device in their bases we were able to get them both plumb to the wall perfectly. After we had assembled both and hung the double mirrored doors it was apparent that when the doors were opened that the carcass needed to be bolted to the wall to stop it toppling over. I sent Nig to my house to fetch my hammer drill and rawplugs and while he was away managed to mark the back wall where the holes would need to be drilled. I decide to save a bit of time by lowering one of the wardrobes to the floor to give us drilling space. I undid the levelling screws to make it easier and reached up to my full height and then some and eased the wardrobe towards me bracing to take the weight and carefully adjusting my grip whilst trying to hold the full length doors closed with my thumbs. As it slowly moved towards me and I realised what a weight it was; almost beyond my capability but just manageable if you get me. I was just at the point of no return to an upright manner but still in control for the final lowering to the floor. I braced myself for the final manoeuvre making sure my feet would be clear. I altered my hand’s positions and took a deep breath. It was just as I was about to start the final decent when I noticed that the other free standing wardrobe’s nearest door slowly started to swing open briefly reflecting my startled image in its pane. Transfixed by this mirrored sweating image in the door I was unaware that the other door had followed suit until they were both now fully open. I breathed a sigh of relief as the door stopped its movement and then watched as if in slow motion the wardrobe started to move in an arc past me but somehow maintaining my image in an upright manner. The whole wardrobe crashed to the floor with the loudest bang recorded in a confined space. I was mortified still holding the other one unsure whether to lift it back to upright or lower it to the floor. I took the latter option. The wardrobe had broken both mirrors and damaged the carcass; a right off. I was shocked/ totally gutted. When Nig came back I could see the disappointment in his face enough to say what the F–k have you done. (Couldn’t really blame him. I would have thought the same) anyway to bring a close to this tale. When my daughter Jennie came home she phoned IKEA and told them about the near fatal accident, she mentioned that Nig’s nephew who had been playing in the bedroom prior to the assemble was okay, it had missed him (well it did) their customer service manager said to bring the damaged wardrobe back for them to inspect.
    The end result; IKEA replaced it free of charge and gave them a £20.00 voucher to compensate.
    As with Mrs Wayne Bobbit; I had on this occasion bitten off more than I could chew and left the build of the replacement to Jennie and Nig

    Had me in fecking stitches from start to end …. :lol: well done !!! bout time you did some more D I Y & tell us how you got on ……:lol: :lol: :lol: :wink:

    Looking forward already :D


    Ugo 1st,

    That’s just the type of encouragement I need I hope you don’t rue the day you asked for another story.
    I have several tales stored away one of which I include the link to.
    I don’t do fiction, however implausible they may sound they’re all true with the occasional embellishment :wink:

    I hope the link works it’s still quite new to me.
    See whatcha fink

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