@pikey wrote:
What’s rich and famous got to do with it? Are you of the understanding that alcoholism only effects the top earners of the country?
Alcoholism hits anyone
it creeps up on you and bites you on the bum
but ive said all this
I open my ears to everyones point of view
allways have
but to wish ill on another human being because of their weakness is beyond me
There, but for the grace of God, go I
The vitriol spat at Amy and George beggers belief
I will say it again
Addiction is no respector of wealth
It kills whether you can afford rehab or not
Amy and George didnt choose to be addicts
neither did the single mother on benefits
but she can hide it from the world
only her immediate family know her pain
and to be honest the likes of amy and george have probably done more good
you can see everyday what addiction does to you
Do you think George Best thought;
Oh, give a liver, it will keep me going till I hit the bottle again
He will have thanked God for giving him another chance
and in his heart he truly meant it
Oh I cant type any more
I’ve lost the will