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  • #359794

    from a ground rice shop

    I vomitted creamola all over a dinner lady when I was 8, it was nearly as bad as tapioca which was slimy and gloopy with bits in it and looked like frogspawn. The only think I hated more than creamola and tapioca was pink custard with the thick skin on it.

    Actually, no I hated them all equally.


    @bon bon wrote:

    Creamola pudding! Anyone else remember this? It was a lovely sort of custardy semolina puddingy thing….it tasted a lot nicer than it sounds! (If you remember this product, please post, as my OH is convinced I’ve made it up!)

    I thought you meant this when you posted :oops:


    whats semolina ever done to you to get treated so disrespectfully ?

    right I’m gonna start the seminal semolina cheesecake thread.

    jubblies lol – I remember them but we called them jubilees Di


    @chess wrote:

    @bon bon wrote:

    Creamola pudding! Anyone else remember this? It was a lovely sort of custardy semolina puddingy thing….it tasted a lot nicer than it sounds! (If you remember this product, please post, as my OH is convinced I’ve made it up!)

    I thought you meant this when you posted :oops: and Rubes have been trying to track down Creamola Foam fizzy drink for yonks..we just can’t get it any more here in Caledonia. If ya see Rubester, don’t tell her ye gave the last ever tin to meeee! :wink: :twisted:


    hoy i saw that !! like a wee tin of andrews liver salts.a wee tin o raspberry creamola foam would go rusty in anticipation !

    made ya burp for hours !


    funni;ly enough I was just wondering about having a little glass of andrews
    They say a little of what you fancy does you good

    and why you not at quiz
    I came 9th equal with mims with 7 points
    or was that 7th with 9 points


    I decided to give ya all a chance bon bon.. No seriously,, i was at daughters. a quiet night but we were watching telly and having a i stayed there till 1 am.


    nice one :D


    we watch all the shyte that “normal” people avoid,, like ” why women kill” and ” a place in the sun” etc :) and FBI files ! ooh gimme a decent fbi file and im anybodys ;)


    I love Why women kill 8) :lol:

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