Boards Index › General discussion › Getting serious › Correct use of the Apostrophe on the Boards.
22 January, 2007 at 9:43 pm #257316
Crikey, my head really hurts now! :shock:
22 January, 2007 at 9:44 pm #257317But atleast you use the comma correctly 8)
22 January, 2007 at 9:46 pm #257318@smiley wrote:
But atleast you use the comma correctly 8)
I tried my hardest, so as not to offend, after all, I wouldn’t want to be doing that now, would I? :wink: (….err……… too many there, do you think not?)
22 January, 2007 at 9:48 pm #257319I have no idea but like you I always use the comma correctly otherwise it would just annoy me typing like this as it makes me cringe eurgh how can anyone type like this help me my typing is broke.
22 January, 2007 at 9:59 pm #257320Thankyou for the full stop, I almost drowned reading that :wink:
22 January, 2007 at 10:47 pm #257321@salacia wrote:
Thank you for your helpful comments particularly ‘ slayer ‘ for pointing out my deliberate mistake of ommitting the comma in my earlier reply, fully aware that some plonker what thinks hes better’n me would draw my attention to it.
Also a big ‘ Hello ‘ to ‘ smileysfriend’ who I somehow suspect I already know……I shant be around much today unfortunately, but I know that I can fully rely on other’s to keep a watchful eye on the correct use of grammer and punctuation on’site.
:) :)s’ok- i don’t normally bother as my grammar is pretty poor on here but as you so correctly said “f/cukin diabolical” it only seemed right to pointit out
It what you say, it’s the way that you say it
:D :D23 January, 2007 at 7:49 am #257322I’ll add you to my christmas card list Slayer, I like a man that can admit to his faults. :D :D
26 January, 2007 at 8:53 pm #257323It is officially acceptable to use an apostrophe to denote te plural of abbreviated intitials such as CD’s, MOT’s etc. I heard this on Radio4, coming from the mouth of a language expert.
Language changes – the more so now with netspeak and texting language. How long before ‘U’ replaces ‘you’ in normal English. It is not just English where changes are happenning because of technology. I’ve noticed on French chat boards that apostrophes within words are left out, so d’essence (of petrol) becomes dessance, for example.
Land Rover apparently decreed that the word ‘Discoverys’ is the correct plural of their Discovery vehicle.
ploosa change!!
26 January, 2007 at 11:19 pm #257324@bassingbourne55 wrote:
Land Rover apparently decreed that the word ‘Discoverys’ is the correct plural of their Discovery vehicle.
ploosa change!!
This is because (in the context of it being the brand name of their vehicle) ”Discovery” is a proper noun. They therefore heven’t breached the rules relating to the pluralisation of words ending in ”y” – ‘discovery’ (discoveries).
26 January, 2007 at 11:57 pm #257325‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘
‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ”” ”” ””””
Sorry, was practising my breathing………….. does that ^ look regular to you?! :shock:
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