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  • #1145340

    Here we go again…..

    You moan like a biitch about Cone-gate yet continue to mention my alleged 3-some apparentley involving Thin and SusieQ

    You deffo met Eve & Co so there could be some substance to Cone-gate but I have never met Susie…go figure


    you mentioned susie q not me methinks the lady doth protest too much so i will rest my case,oh but while im here id like to clarify to soms,i never said he called women shitty if  he reads it properly i said please refrai unless just youn from calling women shit,,,then watch a gap ty

    i thought anybody with aspirations of being a good boardie knew ty is thank you?….

    so now here i sit forlornly head in hands despairing of you,,frustrated im sorry to say this mate but i dont think you will ever cut the mustard as a top boardster,unless         yeh unless you pull your socks up and learn to read correctly ,and ease down on the swearing bud its not big and its not clever.right i will close it there in case you think im bullying you im not i just like to say it the way it is,its not


    sorry i got cut off,no its not just you not at all

    for instance dunno if itll be on this thread or another?

    10 good reasons why LE should give up the modding game.




    oh yes hiya somer if you are going to share the same boards as me will you please refrain from calling women shit ty and listen to me soms and listen to me good ok?

    That reads to me i have called women shitty.

    Guess the smoke and drink is making him forgetful :bye:

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 7 months ago by  somer1.

    no theres a gap between shit and ty.


    you mentioned susie q not me methinks the lady doth protest too much so i will rest my case,

    Because you have mentioned those 2 in this “story” umpteen times before…..


Viewing 6 posts - 51 through 56 (of 56 total)

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