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25 July, 2022 at 11:00 am #1145321
what an atrocious,homophobic remark im disgusted at you.
Oi you tart what the fook is homophobic about that?
This reply was modified 2 years, 7 months ago by
25 July, 2022 at 3:05 pm #1145325yeh i was thinking about that when i typed it homophobic? i get mixed up with all the phobic mob,,,,,,,claustros kleptos acro,,agro etc hanging about everywhere arent they i personally have no time for the idiots,but yunno so back to my point i then said to soms ok mysogonist then? but im not happy thats apt either,
so go on then i will throw it out to the floor what is the collective noun for somfucks theme country yokel,who treats women like shit spits at them pisses on their head face fucks them behind the barn and says now get to the shop you peasant bitch its nearly 10 am and hurry up.
whats the word for it now er? you please
oh yes hiya somer if you are going to share the same boards as me will you please refrain from calling women shit ty and listen to me soms and listen to me good ok? next time i see you disparagingthe sugar and spice of our species,,i really will pull your pants down in here and make you look like the fat lonely kid that you were in the playground.
now stop it.
25 July, 2022 at 4:42 pm #1145328Thinks the smoke has addled your brain you tart. Where do i call women shitty? Please stop putting things on these boards that i have not said.
Its called libel mate.
25 July, 2022 at 7:07 pm #1145329fck yer libel up your fat arse sue me you were degenerating women saying they cant play football did you or did you not?
25 July, 2022 at 8:01 pm #1145330But didn’t say women were shitty did i?
And now you are dismissed.And as a famous person once said.
GO FUCK YOURSELF 😂🤣😂26 July, 2022 at 10:58 am #1145332hmmm yeh typical ive always noticed with peoplelike you who suffer with a distinct lack of vocabulary have to resort to swearing
forgive them lord for they know notwhat they do
the interbred 6 fingered rag dingle morons.
26 July, 2022 at 11:03 am #1145333oh and ps if i could fuck myself id never get out of bed.
26 July, 2022 at 3:35 pm #1145336oh and ps if i could fuck myself id never get out of bed.
Well no women would get in there would they? 😂🤣😂
ni ni sleep tight hope the bed bugs don’t bite. MUCH 😂🤣😂
26 July, 2022 at 4:37 pm #1145337Oi Cosy. Was it a him or her you smacked with a traffic cone?
26 July, 2022 at 8:43 pm #1145338aaah the cone myth yes i was wondering when somebody was going to bring this up well apart from weemo who delights in calling me coneheed (not seen her for a bit in here thank fck maybe morg is making her work “the streets” a bit too much)
thers been a few legendary tales over the years in here,lets have a little look eh?
ancs boots card
kentys 3 some
thin ice and lds picnic
who actually was 9 balls dad did we ever find out?
who gave chele her 8th kid,? word on the streets is hes jimmys
why was nessie that drunk at a meet ok not that drunk stupid maybe
she bought some chips put them on the roof of her car while she found her keys then drove off chips blowing all over the road.
i know theres loads more but its not all about me me me share your storiesohffic cones hang it is about me innit? the cone thinig….omg there were 30,ooo people (all from jc btw) stood on a bridge saying i hit somebody over the head with a cone utter bollox heres the truth drum roll
there was me and 3 women from jc obviously i cant mention their names so so me cat lady,eve and martini mix were walking up a road looking for a taxi,nowt about but roadworks and yeh traffic cones so cos we were all pissed we started playing,,,do you remember kiddies games like tiggy youre on? so we did it with small traffic cones just messing about like well you know what the papparazi are like well somebody took a snap of me apparently hitting eve over the head with a cone,,,,yeh like as if? so im sorry to spoil everybodys mythical illusions and dreams and fantasies about me,but im just a normal bloke no airs no graces no fuck all
its hardly the stuff of robin hood and king arthur is it?
This reply was modified 2 years, 7 months ago by
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