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28 January, 2008 at 12:18 am #303281
@r.O.T.T wrote:
@anita Gofradump wrote:
Says Dagger the one who condones child abuse :roll:
a statement you cant back up with any history
random insults what a tool
i’ll bet you’ve shagged my motherIf i could be bothered to use the ever fruitful search facility on this site i would prove it as you say, but you are a muppet and not worth the 25p JC would make from me searching it.
And Jeeeez, who hasnt shagged your mother :roll:28 January, 2008 at 12:19 am #303282Why use the JC search Andrew? You have it all saved to your hard drive.
28 January, 2008 at 12:21 am #303283@sword wrote:
Why use the JC search Andrew? You have it all saved to your hard drive.
Do i?…like you lot would be worth the storage on my servers :roll:
28 January, 2008 at 12:23 am #303284I don’t actually think it’s an honour to be stored on your hard drive, I actually find it rather disturbing, weird and spooky that someone takes the time to do it. I did suggest finding a job Andrew, to which you took offence, I do believe a little time in the real world might curb your rather fanatical behaviour. But I guess it’s like any addiction, you don’t want to admit to it. As I have said before, I believe your hard drive may well get you in trouble one day.
28 January, 2008 at 12:37 am #303285I don’t actually think it’s an honour to be stored on your hard drive, I actually find it rather weird and spooky that someone takes the time to do it.(just like your night and day obsession replying to me eh Anscombe, but like i said, i dont need to store anything about anyone on here, not worth the space) I did suggest finding a job Andrew, to which you took offence, I do believe a little time in the real world might curb your rather fanatical behaviour.(some great job you have eh Geoff, you cant even afford to pay the poxy bills on your ever failing sh!t sites lol and have to beg and plead poverty to your members lol, sad!, try self employment like myself, i currently have 2 sucessful sites, i would even be willing to show you how to be a sucess on the web as you havent mastered it twice now, i’ll even give you a cheap rate for you sonny!) But I guess it’s like any addiction, (you would know about addictions, you seem to have them) you don’t want to admit to it. As I have said before, I believe your hard drive may well get you in trouble one day. (Nothing illegal on my systems or servers, you may be involved in piracy, copyright infringement etc cos you cant afford genuine software etc, but some of us can afford genuine software and not low life scroungers like yourself)
28 January, 2008 at 12:39 am #303286Yes Andrew, whatever you say… I’m convinced, honestly.
28 January, 2008 at 12:46 am #303287Sussex must be so dull and boring
28 January, 2008 at 12:51 am #303288Let you know next time I’m there muppet… :lol:
28 January, 2008 at 1:15 am #303289@sugar plum wrote:
just saw your brill news tt n 2n8 if ya need me to bore yer now jus ask ok hun well dun you tt i iz ded proud ov ya xxxx :D
congratulations tt and 2n8
(unlike the last couple of pages on this thread)
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