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  • #1085876

    Can I just say a very big congrats to the new granny on the block, not saying names etc you know who you are, myself and wife are well chuffed for you. Again a very very big well done to mum ,baby,dad, and family   all the very best .x x x

    P.S   gran  is 1 hell of a lady

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    I too will second Mr. Pat’s congratulations.. how exciting.

    Best to the new mom, baby, hubby and family members blessed with new life. What a joyous time…

    And also, as this fine person and I when first joining j.c. not always got along too well, I am very glad that our relationship has gone passed those long ago days and humble to be acquainted with that person from j.c. which I consider a friend.



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    Ohhhhhh baby is here so delighted to hear!

    Congrats to you all xxxx


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    I will just add my congratulations as well, best wishes to all the family and especially to the new granny xxx

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    Congrats (again) on becoming a grandma.

    You get all the sweet and none of the sour, unlike being a mum.

    You are my longest-serving friend on jc, and the most-valued. It didn’t take long to notice you when I first arrived, what with your OBE and tennis with the Queen. Incredibly sensible and loyal, along with a brilliant sense of humour.

    I’m waiting for the cheque to arrive in the post, of course.

    lots and lots of love

    sceppy poohs xxxx

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    W.T.G ! sounds like it’s all gone fairly smoothly so awesome! Better not call you by name as it seems to be the fashion at the moment..LOL  All the best to you all…..


    Awww what a lovely thought Pats thanks for the thread…though I think most knew about me becoming a granny…I think I mentioned it once or twice :whistle:

    Thank you all for your good wishes

    Baby was born 20/01/18 and weighed 6lb 13oz…..we  have the name down to 3 choices…the strongest and most probable will be the one I chose!!! Get me!

    Anyway shes so so cute and adorable I fell in love with her when I saw her…I have been so emotional since the birth and keep crying….anyone would think my body just given birth with the state of my hormones

    Amway…for now :good:

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    Kenters the GILF.Congrats hun so pleased for you.BIG HUGS xxx

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    Congratulations on your new baby granddaughter Kenty, lovely news x x

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    Can I say a massive BLOC party to grannies ( and their lovers of course not forgot u pops! ) :heart: everywhere who created mums and dads and fashion for oldies.


    • This reply was modified 7 years, 1 month ago by  ruthless.
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