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11 June, 2017 at 9:40 pm #1051863
With Labour in the lead by 6 points in the latest opinion polling (for what that’s worth), I don’t see another election as a way out of the mess that May has got her govt. and her country into. We’ve wasted months of essential brexit negotiating time in party manoeuvring and electioneering, and we’re about to waste more time in a crisis over who is to be PM. Hold another election, and you could end up in the same mess. Worse, from the Tory point of view, you could end up with a Labour government of some kind. great as far as I’m concerned, but if I were a Tory I would be very nervous about calling another election. Even if you were ahead in the polls when you called it (May had a twenty point lead!), you may well not be by the end. The sacking of those two aides is the writing on the wall. May relied exclusively on them for advice. The three of them were as thick as thieves. When Tory MPs called on may yesterday and told them that her leadership would be challenged next week unless she sacked the two of them, that was it. She’s not running anything now – she’s being run, and hot for long.
I think the validity of any poll has been long since shot down in flames.. the polls suggested a tory landslide a few weeks ago, a trump defeat, a remain vote in the EU- they haven’t a clue and are simply guessing pulling extrapolated figures from misleading data.
11 June, 2017 at 10:48 pm #1051884Have to admit seeing Boris having a fegee the other night was very entertaining.rofl.
12 June, 2017 at 12:48 am #1051917With Labour in the lead by 6 points in the latest opinion polling (for what that’s worth), I don’t see another election as a way out of the mess that May has got her govt. and her country into. We’ve wasted months of essential brexit negotiating time in party manoeuvring and electioneering, and we’re about to waste more time in a crisis over who is to be PM. Hold another election, and you could end up in the same mess. Worse, from the Tory point of view, you could end up with a Labour government of some kind. great as far as I’m concerned, but if I were a Tory I would be very nervous about calling another election. Even if you were ahead in the polls when you called it (May had a twenty point lead!), you may well not be by the end. The sacking of those two aides is the writing on the wall. May relied exclusively on them for advice. The three of them were as thick as thieves. When Tory MPs called on may yesterday and told them that her leadership would be challenged next week unless she sacked the two of them, that was it. She’s not running anything now – she’s being run, and hot for long.
I think the validity of any poll has been long since shot down in flames.. the polls suggested a tory landslide a few weeks ago, a trump defeat, a remain vote in the EU- they haven’t a clue and are simply guessing pulling extrapolated figures from misleading data.
that’s my point.
You can’t trust polls any more, and if you’re going to call an election that will be another couple of months of uncertainty. The clock is ticking on the Brexit negotiations
12 June, 2017 at 8:43 am #1051972Drac for PM 2018
12 June, 2017 at 9:11 am #1051976It just is not as “simple” polls were not accurate prior to the election and so therefore they can’t be trusted. Corbyn had been subjected to a savage, unprecedented, two year onslaught by not only the right wing media, also the liberal media and also from the liberal PLP within his own party. Once the election started and under the election rules, where coverage was more balanced and less biased, obviously Corbyn was going to gain popularity and labour move up in the polls. The polling system in the UK is not as independent as claimed and there are numerous reasons why they are accurate, or not.
This reply was modified 7 years, 9 months ago by
12 June, 2017 at 10:12 am #1052002My point is about the possibility of an election as a way out of this mess.
A Politics Prof from Liverpool said yesterday that an election this autumn is a certainty.
People are sick to the back teeth of voting, and everybody recognises it.
The unreliability of polls is just another reason for not holding an election any time soon.
This mess is being sorted out gradually the only way a hung parliament can do it.
Instead of May pushing for a hard brexit and cuts to education and social care without caring what anybody thinks – her two advisers, Timothy and Hill were the key symbols of this approach – she is now forced to rule ‘collegially’.
As Ruth Davidson, the new Tory star, has demanded, an open brexit.
And the cuts to pensions, social care, grammar schools, school meals etc – are dead in the water from what I can see.
13 June, 2017 at 11:38 am #1052461This morning I watched a short report on abortion in Northern Ireland, apparently it’s still against the law to have an abortion in just about any circumstances, even for women who have been victims of incest, rape or are carrying a foetus with a fatal foetal abnormality.
The laws making any of these abortions illegal carry the full backing of the DUP, if the people of Nothrrn Ireland want to vote for a party with these beliefs then that is up to them but for the Tories to jump into bed with the DUP it shows what a straw clutching scum bag Theresa May is.
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13 June, 2017 at 12:57 pm #1052464This morning I watched a short report on abortion in Northern Ireland, apparently it’s still against the law to have an abortion in just about any circumstances, even for women who have been victims of incest, rape or are carrying a foetus with a fatal foetal abnormality. The laws making any of these abortions illegal carry the full backing of the DUP, if the people of Nothrrn Ireland want to vote for a party with these beliefs then that is up to them but for the Tories to jump into bed with the DUP it shows what a straw clutching scum bag Theresa May is.
Let’s hope none of them get pregnant then
the new Irish Priminster isn’t he gay?
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13 June, 2017 at 4:17 pm #1052482Reason:
Forgive my ignorance as I do not understand fully about these parties nor very familiar with the leaders you all some times discuss.But I do see from reading the comments a similar pattern for UK/US that when politics and votes come up “Abortion” has a great deal of impact or sway if you will on final voting factor. I see this often with our own poll process and concentration with Presidents here in the states.
13 June, 2017 at 4:44 pm #1052488WOW SCEPTICAL GUY..
What a shame, I’m starting to think, I wonder, very possible…
when I think of some of this politics you discuss and I am getting a little better understanding, you throw much stuff in, more to learn, throws me for a loop and I am starting all over again. How is a girl suppose to grasp it all being an American? I don’t even think a “course 101” would help me. I may have to go to the “how to dummy books.” Hee hee..
This reply was modified 7 years, 9 months ago by
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