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18 June, 2012 at 12:41 am #499121
@wordsworth60 wrote:
@(f)politics? wrote:
. . . . without sounding harsh they cant actually produce children which in basic terms is what we are mainly on this earth to do, . . .
So let’s refuse marriage to everyone who can’t have children. There’s no way of saying it without sounding harsh really is there?
That wasnt what i was saying i was saying the main reason for the majority not all of the animal kingdom and indeed the plant kingdom is to procreate, and mother nature works so that everything has some place in achieving procreation, what im saying is from your comments about child abuse animal abuse and so forth, there is no advantage to the human race at all in the move forward to gay marriages, no more no less.
18 June, 2012 at 12:42 am #499122@(f)politics? wrote:
@wordsworth60 wrote:
@(f)politics? wrote:
@wordsworth60 wrote:
. . . . . . . improving a culture should mean evolving with in not changing its core and fundamental values [/b]
At some point, if you’re going to evolve, you got to kill the dinosaurs . . . . . . .
So basically you are saying extinguish one culture*dinosaurs* to make room for the culture you want, dont evolve it by maintaining the dinosaurs living within their culture just get rid ? like i said before… so whats the point of anything,any cultures traditions faiths ? lets just have wars and kill each other off far less painful
That’s how it happens Pol. Cultures don’t slowly blend from one identity to another, wars, disasters, inventions, political campaigns and decisions etc produce conditions which all work to lurch society from one form to another. It’s never smooth and it’s often not not pretty.
18 June, 2012 at 12:48 am #499123@panda12 wrote:
Perhaps poli, it’s simple. Gay ppl who are religious want the right to marry in Church because it is important to them to be joined in matrimony in the eyes of God. You say it makes no difference? To you maybe but to them it is important and it does make a difference in the same way it’s important for someone to be baptised or Confirmed.
You clearly belong to and believe in cliques.
it makes no difference in the grand scheme of things no, only difference it makes is to the individual person, but it isnt world saving, we are all too interested in ourselves rather than the greater good, people need to stop feeling hard done by and victims and wanting to alter the world for selfish reasons and start accepting what is and living with it, make changes that maybe are for the greater good yes, but not just for the personal good, it has NO benefit to society from what i can see no.
And i will just re iterate i actually don’t care whether a gay couple want to get married or not my gripe is with feeling the need to change every god dam thing thats steeped in traditions for a world that people like to call the modern world, maybe a better word would be a new world, and not all change is for the better.18 June, 2012 at 12:50 am #499124i’ll say again …
When in Rome.. do as the romans do… only in Britain could it be expected to be any different.18 June, 2012 at 12:59 am #499125@(f)politics? wrote:
@wordsworth60 wrote:
@(f)politics? wrote:
. . . . without sounding harsh they cant actually produce children which in basic terms is what we are mainly on this earth to do, . . .
So let’s refuse marriage to everyone who can’t have children. There’s no way of saying it without sounding harsh really is there?
That wasnt what i was saying i was saying the main reason for the majority not all of the animal kingdom and indeed the plant kingdom is to procreate, and mother nature works so that everything has some place in achieving procreation, what im saying is from your comments about child abuse animal abuse and so forth, there is no advantage to the human race at all in the move forward to gay marriages, no more no less.
I’m sorry Pol, I don’t find your arguments clear. Maybe it’s just too late at night for this stuff. Marriage isn’t about mother nature, it’s a legal and social protection for everything associated with a relationship, children, property, healthcare etc. Relatively few species naturally pair-bond for life. Exuberant homosexual activity has been observed in a large number of species. A recent news story revealed that one scientists reports of homosexual acts between penguins was suppressed because the behaviour was deemed to be depraved by the worthies who received the report.
As you’ve indicated bonding with your soulmate should be more important than the piece of paper.
If there is no advantage to the human race of gay marriage over civil partnership, then that really indicates that there is no advantage to the human race of religious marriage over civil marriage. In fact in many countries the religious ceremony has to be completely separate from the religious ceremony. Alternatively, couples are allowed to embellish a fundamentally civil ceremony with religious rituals. The difference in the UK is because we have an established Church.
And yet . . . from an early age children are encouraged to desire marriage in its religious form, nursery schools hold marriage ceremonies complete with cake and guests and in some cases conducted by real clergy. Happy Ever After still follows The Kiss with no explanation of how you resolve the inevitable differences between someone who’s spent years living in a palace and someone who’s spent years living as a frog, or with 7 dwarves or in a 100 year coma.
I still see no better reason for refusing same-sex marriage than for refusing opposite-sex marriage.
18 June, 2012 at 1:03 am #499126@(f)politics? wrote:
i’ll say again …
When in Rome.. do as the romans do… only in Britain could it be expected to be any different.And that’s what makes this country great. That’s why so many ppl want to live here. They love our freedoms and progressive nature.
I think you’ll also find Holland has approved gay marriage and some states of the US are considering it as well.
18 June, 2012 at 1:18 am #499127So they can go to Holland to get married ideal so no need to continue the debate lol :lol: besides i’m bushed lol night x
18 June, 2012 at 1:35 am #499128@panda12 wrote:
@(f)politics? wrote:
i’ll say again …
When in Rome.. do as the romans do… only in Britain could it be expected to be any different.And that’s what makes this country great. That’s why so many ppl want to live here. They love our freedoms and progressive nature.
I think you’ll also find Holland has approved gay marriage and some states of the US are considering it as well.
Just as an aside, our country isn’t always as progressive as people like to think. many are browbeaten into silence by the shouting of victims of bigotry, this isn’t a racist comment btw, but i for one don’t agree with our supposed freedoms, the only people that have freedoms are the ones that want to change everything to suit regardless of old traditions and cultures, we try to hold onto these things as well as move forward, but people want more than that they want it altered and changed to suit the needs of different races and cultures. Those that don’t wish to lose our original faiths and cultures are actually the victims as their free speech is very much held in check, for the very fear of being called racist or bigots, the straight white Christians(dare i say that ) of this country are gradually being pushed into extinction so out with the dinosaurs and welcome to a whole new and different country, Britain, Christianity will get to a point that it wont be recognised as Britain anymore. I am not saying we shouldn’t include other cultures into ours and tweak things for the greater good but to abolish all that the christian British know, to make way for every other culture,no, i oppose that, if that includes the church refusing to acknowledge this maybe that’s the beginning of the stop button we need to apply. Why want to change something you have chosen to adopt when suddenly it doesn’t conform to your needs anymore. Anyway im away to bed x
18 June, 2012 at 6:52 am #499129Imagine there’s no countries
It isn’t hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people living life in peace………I mean…. just imagine :D :D :D
18 June, 2012 at 8:05 am #499130@(f)politics? wrote:
@panda12 wrote:
@(f)politics? wrote:
i’ll say again …
When in Rome.. do as the romans do… only in Britain could it be expected to be any different.And that’s what makes this country great. That’s why so many ppl want to live here. They love our freedoms and progressive nature.
I think you’ll also find Holland has approved gay marriage and some states of the US are considering it as well.
Just as an aside, our country isn’t always as progressive as people like to think. many are browbeaten into silence by the shouting of victims of bigotry, this isn’t a racist comment btw, but i for one don’t agree with our supposed freedoms, the only people that have freedoms are the ones that want to change everything to suit regardless of old traditions and cultures
so, poli, what freedoms do you want taken away??
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