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  • #507714

    oops…don’t agree wiht Jen’s last sentence btw, but that’s beside the point – a very good post



    @sceptical guy wrote:

    oops…don’t agree wiht Jen’s last sentence btw, but that’s beside the point – a very good post

    I’m with you on that too – why the feck do you think peeps are ex-pats?!! Having said that, there are a lot of ex-pats who ‘stick together’ – we try our hardest not to stick to anybody, we just like various different ‘people’ (for poli! lol), because of who they are, not who they ‘know’, and Nationality (or I could say ‘class distinction’) doesn’t come into it!

    Basically, in a nut-shell, ‘cos the above was a novel by me – we are just ‘us’ – answer to nobody apart from Council Tax and bills – and voila!

    Even the bank has probs reaching us! lmfao


    But it’s the innate desire for a pack-like structure that brings the need for hierarchies which in turn leads to concentrated wealth. If we, the human race, had no desire to lead or be led, to know our place within a social structure, where would the need for hierarchies come from?

    Incidentally, I don’t think that’s a bad thing per se, without a pack structure and hierarchies the human race would not have progressed and achieved as much as it has even if that progress and achievement is a double-edged sword.



    Well, I am most strange then, because, I do not do anything anybody tells me to, in fact, the opposite, which creates a lot of amusement with family and friends! I do, however, realise when they do it on purpose, so I can, for my amusement do tit-for-tat, and laugh at them! :lol:

    I do believe that the ‘pack’ was necessary generations before mine though.



    Whilst re-reading this post, something else occurred to me – I think a lot of this ‘pack’ physcholgy probably depends on whether you live in a town or countryside, and whether you are near your family/friends – dunno – watcha think?!


    Wherever there is a social infrastructure there is a pack psychology whether it’s town or country. You may not think you are part of that pack psychology but unless you live a life completely apart from other humans then you will be part of a pack, the only thing that varies is the nature of the pack and the degree of your integration to the pack.



    Sorry Jen, but you are wrong, I am definitely NOT part of any pack wotsover! I can join in a ‘pack’ for an hour or two, and not being seen as part of it, and then leave. Hence my comments on here, do not adhere biaisedly to anybody, as you well know!

    I reiterate, I like the Royal Family, and what it does for the Commonwealth and charities (thought I had better get back to thread!), but do not feel a ‘subject’ to anybody – and I really do mean anybody!


    Pssssst…your family is a pack :wink:



    @jen_jen wrote:

    Pssssst…your family is a pack :wink:

    How presumptuous! :wink: ‘cos it isn’t!


    You have formed emotional bonds in your family. As a parent there are times when you have provided leadership, maybe you have looked to your husband for leadership and he to you. You have provided for and protected your family. You have used your social skills to motivate, to cajole, to placate and calm. At times you will have fulfilled the Alpha role in your pack, at other times the Beta, and in your extended family maybe the Delta. Pack psychology…your family is your pack.

    Don’t confuse pack psychology with the more negative forms of pack mentality and pack behaviour, pack psychology is not a bad thing.

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