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  • #287613

    @forumhostpb wrote:

    I read this case with some (small) interst. The defence he ran was largely bollocks and based on his unsupported statements that he was only doing research for a TV series.


    Worked for that dirty paedo townsend from the who!!!!

    a friend of mine offered me tickets to go see them recently, makes me sick people still pay money to see him!


    So ………… back to the topic – Chris Langham and by extension paedophilia.

    May i offer a few thoughts.

    Most sex crimes (including paedophilia) start in a relatively innocent and minor way and go on to develop from there – as the perpetrator needs to increase their activity so as to maintain the thrill they get.

    The bloke who starts off by pinching knickers from clotheslines or being a ”peeping tom” will often graduate to wanting to touch a real person and from that they go on eventually to full rape. This progression is well known to professionals and criminologists.

    Similarly with paedophilia – looking at a few innocent pictures soon loses its ability to excite the perv so they need to go further – maybe nastier pictures or videos. Eventually they progress to actual physical attacks on their victims.

    So it is I believe with Chris Langham. He may have only had a few ”mild” pictures on a computer – but I’ll bet he had or did more than that – but this would have (over time) inevitably progressed to physical attacks on children.

    I really think that the sentencing policy set by the Lord Chancellor’s office is, on many many occasions, utterly barmy.

    My last and probably most important point is this:

    Every time a picture is taken of a child and posted onto the internet for paedophiles to look at and download – THAT child is suffering abuse from the person taking the picture, THAT child is the real victim here and we should all never forget this.

    Chris Langham can rot in hell for all I care. He has personally contributed to the depraved abuse of a poor innocent child and for that he can NEVER be forgiven.


    hear hear!!!


    Actually pebbles heres a paradigm shift for ya

    Lets suppose for a moment that youre right, that people wanting to watch paedo stuff makes other people become paedos and start molesting kids (the ones you said would stop doing it if nobody wanted to watch)

    If someones sexual drive can be so easily driven askew by a visual representation then why dont we have a mass campaigh to stop depictations like Britney spears in her school uniform? Strippers wearing school uniforms, sex shops being banned from selling school uniforms and manufacturers banned from making thongs and “womanly” underwear as well as clothes that should be called the “teenage hooker” style for kids?

    All of those and many other things eat into a childs childness and blurrs the boundaries between childhood and sexuality?

    Now having a daughter myself the kind of slutty trash they are allowed to make and sell specifically for children, not even small adults is disgusting (in the proper sense of the word) and yet mothers the country over rush out and buy it for their kids and send or take them out in it (or in the MCanns case drug them and leave them home alone in it haha :D, soz, couldnt resist that one :D)

    So if theres this link between visuals and sexual urges where is the huge campaign to stamp out such things?

    Even without that link why hasnt morality kicked in and why havent mothers en masse refused to buy such garbage for their kids?

    is the real root cause of the apparent and alleged increase in paedophillia simply the result of social apathy on seemingly inconsequential things that in turn make children be seen as “sexual” in the same way the media has controlled what men and women view as “sexy” by over exposure of a certain type of person which has to varying degrees influenced entire generations

    But if people cant be bothered to do something as simple as making the choice to not dress their kids like whores what amount of effort could be expected to really be put behind any decent degree of social change and remoralisation?


    @forumhostpb wrote:

    So ………… back to the topic – Chris Langham and by extension paedophilia.

    May i offer a few thoughts.

    Most sex crimes (including paedophilia) start in a relatively innocent and minor way and go on to develop from there – as the perpetrator needs to increase their activity so as to maintain the thrill they get.

    The bloke who starts off by pinching knickers from clotheslines or being a ”peeping tom” will often graduate to wanting to touch a real person and from that they go on eventually to full rape. This progression is well known to professionals and criminologists.

    Similarly with paedophilia – looking at a few innocent pictures soon loses its ability to excite the perv so they need to go further – maybe nastier pictures or videos. Eventually they progress to actual physical attacks on their victims.

    So it is I believe with Chris Langham. He may have only had a few ”mild” pictures on a computer – but I’ll bet he had or did more than that – but this would have (over time) inevitably progressed to physical attacks on children.

    I really think that the sentencing policy set by the Lord Chancellor’s office is, on many many occasions, utterly barmy.

    My last and probably most important point is this:

    Every time a picture is taken of a child and posted onto the internet for paedophiles to look at and download – THAT child is suffering abuse from the person taking the picture, THAT child is the real victim here and we should all never forget this.

    Chris Langham can rot in hell for all I care. He has personally contributed to the depraved abuse of a poor innocent child and for that he can NEVER be forgiven.

    Actually PB, try that line of thought if you ever post on a thread about rape lol

    Suggest that women, even if they like it and get off on it should NEVER under any circumstances indulge in any sexual act that has even the slightest hint of force, restraint, power or domination. Should never want to be “taken”, or seek to feel submissive in anyway just incase that eventually stops being enough for their partner who then goes on to need to commit an actual rape over a period of time when the psuedo stuff loses its “buzz”

    Just make sure you wear your tin hat and dive for cover tho lol as it treads into the scary realm of personal and social responsibility conflicting with personal wants, which isnt a good place to wander :)


    @forumhostpb wrote:

    So ………… back to the topic – Chris Langham and by extension paedophilia.

    May i offer a few thoughts.

    Most sex crimes (including paedophilia) start in a relatively innocent and minor way and go on to develop from there – as the perpetrator needs to increase their activity so as to maintain the thrill they get.

    The bloke who starts off by pinching knickers from clotheslines or being a ”peeping tom” will often graduate to wanting to touch a real person and from that they go on eventually to full rape. This progression is well known to professionals and criminologists.

    Similarly with paedophilia – looking at a few innocent pictures soon loses its ability to excite the perv so they need to go further – maybe nastier pictures or videos. Eventually they progress to actual physical attacks on their victims.

    So it is I believe with Chris Langham. He may have only had a few ”mild” pictures on a computer – but I’ll bet he had or did more than that – but this would have (over time) inevitably progressed to physical attacks on children.

    I really think that the sentencing policy set by the Lord Chancellor’s office is, on many many occasions, utterly barmy.

    My last and probably most important point is this:

    Every time a picture is taken of a child and posted onto the internet for paedophiles to look at and download – THAT child is suffering abuse from the person taking the picture, THAT child is the real victim here and we should all never forget this.

    Chris Langham can rot in hell for all I care. He has personally contributed to the depraved abuse of a poor innocent child and for that he can NEVER be forgiven.

    And only a third of a page too.

    A point that you touched on there is one that is always forgotten. The child in the picture. If that child is in a paedo ring what on earth could still be happening to him/her?

    Doesnt bare thinking about, and whilst soft sentancing still goes on there is not a deterrant in this country to stop it from happening atall.


    I wish there was a deterrant Sharon … I really do. But sadly I have to accept that all the time that there are people who have developed a taste for paedophilia etc etc there will be people who supply it to them and therefore children who get sexually molested (I hate the term abuse).


    You are right there. if we used the term molestation more it has much more of a disgusting sound to it than abuse and actually defines the damage more realistically, because the word is as horrid as what is actually happening. Good point.

    Perhaps that is the only deterrant we have, how frightening is that :shock:


    @ubermik wrote:

    Actually pebbles heres a paradigm shift for ya

    Lets suppose for a moment that youre right, that people wanting to watch paedo stuff makes other people become paedos and start molesting kids (the ones you said would stop doing it if nobody wanted to watch)

    If someones sexual drive can be so easily driven askew by a visual representation then why dont we have a mass campaigh to stop depictations like Britney spears in her school uniform? Strippers wearing school uniforms, sex shops being banned from selling school uniforms and manufacturers banned from making thongs and “womanly” underwear as well as clothes that should be called the “teenage hooker” style for kids?

    All of those and many other things eat into a childs childness and blurrs the boundaries between childhood and sexuality?

    Now having a daughter myself the kind of slutty trash they are allowed to make and sell specifically for children, not even small adults is disgusting (in the proper sense of the word) and yet mothers the country over rush out and buy it for their kids and send or take them out in it (or in the MCanns case drug them and leave them home alone in it haha :D, soz, couldnt resist that one :D)

    So if theres this link between visuals and sexual urges where is the huge campaign to stamp out such things?

    Even without that link why hasnt morality kicked in and why havent mothers en masse refused to buy such garbage for their kids?

    is the real root cause of the apparent and alleged increase in paedophillia simply the result of social apathy on seemingly inconsequential things that in turn make children be seen as “sexual” in the same way the media has controlled what men and women view as “sexy” by over exposure of a certain type of person which has to varying degrees influenced entire generations

    But if people cant be bothered to do something as simple as making the choice to not dress their kids like whores what amount of effort could be expected to really be put behind any decent degree of social change and remoralisation?

    heres a parsdigm shift for you Uber

    Firstly, several reports and court cases have ldrawn a direct correlation between (for example) violent pornography and the offenders crime. There is, and continues to be, campaigns.

    Of course society itself is sexualising at a younger age (youngest teenage pregnancy rate in Europe, highest number of partners before we reach 18 etc)- however this is not an excuse to download a video of an 8 year old being sodomised.

    Why dont some mothers make an ethical and moral responsibility on behalf of their children to NOT buy something which makes them out to be something they are not? Because some mothers aren’t fit to even utter the word, let alone be one (same goes for fathers) and hence we have feral gangs with no sense of responsibility or respect for anything or anyone..but thats a seperate issue.

    However does that mean you don’t make the effort because others don’t? No, it should mean you try harder!

    Paedophilia is on the increase almost solely because of this lil old netwrok we call the internet- open access to millions of image of the most appalling kind of abuse and torture at your fingertips, linking to others around the world etc with similar views.

    Anyone who accesses and views this material, wheter it’s 15 or 15 million images, perpetuates the abuse and guarrantees it can continue.

    A better question would be- why is there no global will to close down these sites, or block access to them- the entire indutry could almost be closed down overnight


    1. No looking at child porn doesnt necessarily mean that they will actually go out and molest a child, the child they are looking at has already been sexually abused and molested.

    2. So once branded a paeodphile always a paedophile? ruins their lives. OMG forgive me while i throw up

    3. DOA , how do you know that trying to get into child porn sites is so difficult, that is really a worrying fact, you have reached a new low DOA

    DOA i realise you have contributed to this thread to get a reaction and yes you sure did get one, but apart from the fact that these people who ‘look’ at child porn, molest a child and get a few years in jail and may have their character tarnished for the rest of their lives, did you ever think about the ‘survivors’ of child sexual abuse, they live with it day in and day out.

    Again and again we hear about paedophiles being rehabilitated, what we can do about it, how we must rehabilitate them, perhaps even chemical castration. I don’t know what the answer is for these people, but what I do know is that pound for pound there is an unbalance somewhere, how much is spent on rehabilitating offenders and how much is spent on support for ‘victim’?

    Victims of child sex abuse live with it everyday of their lives. Some don’t make it, for some the horrors are too much, and are unable to stop the flashbacks, they become too much to bear, so much so the horrors can only be erased by death.

    Some carry on living regardless, a twilight existence, dipping in and out of the horrors, living in a world of tranquilisers to help dull the pain, the pain that is unbearable at times, the inability to function, the inability to understand why at the time of their lives when they should have been protected and loved it went so horribly wrong.

    Some live a lie, some of them are determined that they wouldn’t let anything like that happen to their kids, over compensate, love their children and become over protective. Worrying about every move they make, and yet because of years of cover up and abuse are very good at not showing their feelings, not showing how much they just want to be loved, not showing the pain that exists, the sorrow that is so deep rooted it will never go away. Some of them spend their whole lives looking for that lost love, that love and protection that as children they needed, they never feel totally safe, they never really ever trust fully.

    The powers that be need to look at sentences for sexual abusers, for paedophiles, for the perverts who build databases of abused children for the delight and sexual pleasure of others. The comment I listened to recently about another paedophile for instance: and I quote: ‘he had over 75,000 images of children being sexually abused; he has been jailed and will remain there until he is no longer a danger to the public. Just what does that mean, does it mean that thousands of pounds will be spent on his rehabilitation? Does it mean he may one day become clever enough to convince the powers that be he is sorry, he is so appalled at his actions he will never do it again??

    Society needs to demand that child abusers are never released, society needs to realise that for every abuser or paedophile that is ‘rehabilitated’ that there is probably a thousand children who have been abused that live with it for life.

    Who is going to rehabilitate the ‘survivors’ of sexual abuse? Who is going to take away their pain? Who is going to give them their childhood back?

    nuff sed!

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