Boards Index › General discussion › Getting serious › Cholera in Iraq
1 September, 2007 at 4:18 pm #7869
A few years ago I was ask to recruit and take a group of trainees and trained plumbers to Iraq for 12-16 weeks to recruit local people and train people how to fix water and sewage pipes.
But the program had to be cancelled dew the worsening situation.
Now most people worst fears have been realized.
A mixture of old sewage pipes, water pipes and drought has cause contamination of the water supply and people are now dieing.
Cholera is one of the nastier ways to die; in most cases people are dead in 2-3 hours.
By the time people start dieing its often to later and more a case of finding the source and fixing the problem.
But could it happen in the UK?
Well yes, for many years our water companies have been cutting back on maintenance of the sewage network, focusing more on new treatment and sanitation systems.
Sewage needs to reach the new treatment plants before it can be treated, given the state of our sewage/water network it could easy be contaminated in times of drought.
Storm water and sewage removal system have failed in many places this year with Hull being one of the worst affected.
For the same reason for there’s a cholera epidemic in Iraq, there could be one here.
After watching and being delayed by the replacement of the water main in Brighton for the last 2 years, I can only dream of the trouble replacing the sewage main would be, but it still needs be done.
We all know that the cost will be high, roads will have to be dug up and some home’s demolished for the work, but it’s better than cholera epidemic.
I just hope the shareholders of the water companies agree.
1 September, 2007 at 5:44 pm #285700.
wake me up when it get’s interesting plz.1 September, 2007 at 9:35 pm #285701how interesting is this topic
2 September, 2007 at 12:28 am #285702@dead_on_arrvial wrote:
A few years ago I was ask to recruit and take a group of trainees and trained plumbers to Iraq for 12-16 weeks to recruit local people and train people how to fix water and sewage pipes.
you big bloody liar!!! you were here!
2 September, 2007 at 12:34 am #285703No I did 2 months in Afica instead. What fun that was………….
Did you see my poll on ” ways to help fourmhost gm stay awake?”
It seems to have gone………….
2 September, 2007 at 11:00 am #285704This is suc a “british” mindset DOA
Hoping, wishing and secretly criticising the work not being done but in effect just sitting on class indoctrinated arses assuming that nothing more can be done, nothing can be changed and that the decision lies in the hands and decisions of the people in charge lol
Its why the media paints the french as being so “bad” because the last thing the media or government wants is for people to look in a neutral or positive way at the french so they have to be demonised to us as effectively as possible because they are one of the few countries left in the western world that realise and appreciate the REAL power in an oligarchy (psuedo democracy) which is the power of the people to unite, take to the streets and DEMAND the things they majoratively want
Us on the the other hand, we sit idly by whilst our businesses and industry are sold off to foriegn investors and home grown movers and shakers, whilst our public amenities are systematically sold off so they can be run more poorly and huge profits creamed off and near silent isolated whinging, whining and wishing for change is all we seem to manage
Its a politicians wet dream
Imagine if en masse hundreds of thousands, even millions of water customers refused to pay? What then?
Do you think water companies would try to cut them all off?
A government faced with such an outcry at being defrauded would have to think of re-election, their pandering to, and lining the pockets of their golf buddies and business partners at the water companies would then become an expendable friendship and they would have to force the water companies to finally do what they should have done all along and upgrade the water system to accomodate the mass influx of imigrants and required housing to home them and work towards a water system that could accomodate them
Instead we are currently looking at a system that isnt increasing with the extra population and hasnt done for years, one that when they cant meet the demand (which IS their side of their bargain with customers) rather than being the “bad guys” its turned around to blame the customers for the shortages, but with the mass increases in new homes the money going into the water companies is ballooning, but then again so are the profits being taken out of them
Imagine if that was applied to macdonalds, if they chose that to up profits they only bought half as much food, they then through the media said that the customers were being irresponsible to the planet and SHOULD therefore still pay the full whack for a meal BUT should actually then only get half of one each so the supply could go further
How silly would that be? And yet when that exact same cover story is applied to the road system, the water system, the national grid, the gas network, train network, refuse collection, police force and pretty much every public service and national amenity people for the most part just swallow the nonsense like the good little brainwashed sheep they are majoratively with little to no dissent other than unilateral isolated complaining
And even when these things are made to do what they should already be doing its then turned around and used as an excuse for more taxation as even the sold off companies get subsidies than in most cases far exceed the ones that were given to them when they were still nationally owned and yet the services they provide are across the board massively reduced
And then they wonder HOW we managed to end up in such an over taxed shit hole of a country as we now find ourselves in
2 September, 2007 at 11:42 am #285705Ubermik……….
Blah blah blah! :twisted:
2 September, 2007 at 11:48 am #285706@dead_on_arrvial wrote:
No I did 2 months in Afica instead. What fun that was………….
Did you see my poll on ” ways to help fourmhost gm stay awake?”
It seems to have gone………….
never realised what exciting lives plumbers lead :lol:
2 September, 2007 at 1:43 pm #285707
When you start work at 16 and spend 5 years doing sh1t jobs as a trainee, you do feel suffocatedAnd you look for something more that boilers, basins and bogs.
I still do a bit of volunteer work each year, now am a bit too old for it.
My days of sleeping in building with only 3 walls and no roof are over.
I would say to anyone, take 6 months off and do something that matters
2 September, 2007 at 1:45 pm #285708@dead_on_arrvial wrote:
When you start work at 16 and spend 5 years doing sh1t jobs as a trainee, you do feel suffocatedAnd you look for something more that boilers, basins and bogs.
I still do a bit of volunteer work each year, now am a bit too old for it.
My days of sleeping in building with only 3 walls and no roof are over.
I would say to anyone, take 6 months off and do something that matters
is it possible for a building to have 3 walls??? what was it, triangular? :shock:
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